Thursday, June 27, 2013


The bombshell appears to have been dropped.  The poofs are scrambling like rats.  Thus far, no comment from the Pope.

It is oddly interesting that this news comes within 24 hours of the decision of five robed idiots in Washington who imagine they are dispensing justice to push the sodomy cause even further.

If the story is accurate we should recall this:  the revelations are not new.  But it is justice that the cover of these clerical queers was blown by one of their own (recalling the Rembert Weakland case).  After the rather sickening spectacle of the mealy-mouthed response of Bishops like Dolan and Listecki to yesterday's Supreme court debacle it is good to know that the mask is dropping off the filthy faces of some of these vermin in cassocks.

With thanks to Linen on the Hedgerow, The Eponymous Flower and other fine blogs for covering this sordid story.

St Joseph, Terror of Demons, ora pro nobis.

1 comment:

aly said...

These bishop's statements are just hollow. Besides being sickening they just ring false and deserving of ridicule coming from the Diplomat Corp. Let's hope that the Pope is now forced to be Catholic.

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