Friday, February 26, 2016

James Larson on the October Horror before us

Mr James Larson, in a new article on his blog, has brought to our eyes the terrifying reality of what is coming soon from a papacy rapidly going off the rails.  If Pope Francis goes ahead with what he is planning this October he will have taken a gigantic step toward the final de-legitimization of his papacy.

Almost daily, Francis gives scandal upon scandal, dissolving the Faith as he does so. Blogs and news venues are replete with these events so there is no need for me to rehash them.  But they dissolve trust, faith, hope, charity and the teachings of the one, true Church.  The souls that are being lost by is too horrible to contemplate.  And now in an act that can only be described as an impiety he will celebrate the damnation of men and nations who fell into heresy and rebellion.

Whether he would do this because he is suffering from some sort of mental instability, or confusion, or downright malice, doesn't matter.  The damage done to the Faith, and the simple trust of people, will not be undone for generations.  To cheer on the rupture that tore the Church asunder in the 16th century is something one would expect from a Reformationist.  But from a Pope of Rome it is an insult, a scandal of supreme proportions, which will haunt the man to his grave.  As repulsive as the thought might seem we must "gird up our loins" and pray for this man that he does not go through with this.  A typical prayer for the Pope(s) can be found here.

In his new piece Mr Larson traces his early faltering steps toward his conversion to Catholicism, tying events in with the biblical story of Nabuchodonosor, and finally bringing it round to the horror planned for this October in Lund, Sweden.

From the Larson article:

Possibly no single event will more clearly unite all the elements of this Catholic disintegration than Pope Francis’ scheduled visit to Lund, Sweden on October 31, 2016 in order to kick off a year-long celebration honoring Martin Luther and the Protestant Revolution (culminating on Oct 31, 2017 – the 500th anniversary of Luther’s nailing his 95 Theses to the door of the Wittenberg Castle Church). 

Along with Lutheran World Federation President Bishop Dr. Munib A. Younan and General Secretary Rev. Dr. Martin Junge, the Pope will lead an Ecumenical Commemoration and common worship service in Lund Cathedra – based on the Catholic-Lutheran Common Prayer, released in January 2016 by both the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity PCPCU) and the Lutheran World Federation (LWF). ThisCommon Prayer, in turn, “follows directly” from the publication in 2013 of the document titled From Conflict to Communion (the fruit of 50 years of ecumenical dialogue between the PCPCU and LWF). The Common Prayer praises Luther and “the many guiding theological and spiritual insights that we have all received through the Reformation”, and commits both Catholics and Lutherans to the premier guiding principle that all future relations should “begin from the perspective of unity and not from the point of view of division….”

From Conflict to Communion is, in my estimation, the most satanically deceitful document ever to issue forth from a Vatican office. The extent of this deceit, spread over the space of approximately 50 pages, would certainly require a book for full exposition. But the foundations, and principle elements of this deceit, are easily exposed in a few pages. This I will attempt to do below.

Read the whole article here.

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