Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The Axis of Boredom

Here are three noted comedians, none of whom are even remotely funny:

Father James Martin (America magazine), tv comic Steve Colbert, Vatican lick-spittle Thomas Rosica

And now let's play, "Spot the Homosexual(s)!".

Please pass me the sick bag.  Thank you.


aly said...

Sometimes concerning the public square I do need the sick bag and want to shout a curse word or two or four, but the Church being quite missing in the public square, somehow I only have episodes of extreme faintness. Only,, Only being unique.

Anonymous said...

Would you please identify these three?

Aged parent said...

Apologies, Anon. Since these three characters have been in the news of late I assumed everyone recognized them. They are, left to right, Father James Martin of America magazine, tv comedian Steve Colbert, and Vatican "spokesman" Thomas Rosica.

And they deserve each other.

Anonymous said...

Thank you.

Anonymous said...
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