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Another hapless accommodater is inflicted upon the Church |
The ghost of Joseph Bernardin, High Churchman and sodomite, still haunts Chicago in the person if its new Ordinary. Sacrilegious Communions will once again continue due to the fact that Blaise Cupich has trotted out the well-worn cliche that Holy Communion should not be "politicized". In this attitude he joins not only with his dead predecessor but stays in tune with Cardinals like Wuerl, Dolan and others who have forgotten the Church's warning against receiving Communion unworthily.
I pity Chicago. The whirlwind they will once again reap is shaping up to be as awful as the previous one, in which even murder reared its head.
My pen grows tired from recording these daily atrocities afflicting Holy Church.
But for Blaise Cupich it's just a small matter of committing sacrilege. What does he care?
I wonder when Her heel will at last crush the serpent's head.
Dear "aged parent"/Louis Villarrubia/the philosopher/Br. Andre Marie/observer, we have gone to the suggested website Catholicism.org, which left us wondering. We then went to the Roman Catholic Diocese website for Manchester NH, where, not surprisingly, the St. Benedict Center is depicted as "unrecognized."
Which leads us to the awful conclusion that in order to spew your diabolical hatred on all and sundry, it has to be done from the relative safety of anonymity. As "Br. Andre Marie" there would be a face to go along with the hatred. Not very Christian. But, as "aged parent", well, all bets are off.
We feel sorry for you and will try to overcome our intense revulsion to offer up a prayer or two, for you.
Prayers are always welcome. Thank you.
BTW: for any readers who might be unfamiliar with this kindly troll who has been haunting my blog of late he seems to have an obsessive/compulsive desire to see me as Brother Andre Marie over at Catholicism.org, whose writings I sometimes link to here. I wish I could claim to be that erudite religious but, alas, I'm only, as I say an "aged parent". (And after 10 kids, I ASSURE you I am aged!!)
I'm all for denying politicians who support legal abortion communion as long it is also enforced against politicians that deny that medical care is a right as the Catechism teaches.
"Legal abortion" is not "health" care in any sense. It is the murder of the child. It has nothing to do with providing health care to the ill and infirm.
I am employed in a major medical center that got out of the abortion business in 1988. There is never anyone turned away, if they are ill, whether they can pay or not.
Welcome to the church of who am I to judge? TM
Heeeee's back, God help Chicago.
The question is not if the hospital cares for the ill or not. You must believe that healthcare is a RIGHT. If you don't, you're a heretic and should be denied communion. Most of the Republican party should be denied communion because they deny that healthcare is a right.
What an obnoxious troll. He sounds very gay.
@Aged Parent: You're so kind to allow the anonymous troll to post here.
I find it interesting that I am called a troll for simply repeating Catholic doctrine that healthcare is a right. Anyone who denies healthcare is a right is a heretic. Read the Catechism people.
Dear Anon @10:43am:
I was referring to the individual who made the first Anonymous post yesterday who seems to think I am someone on his hate list - the one who while posting anonymously accuses me of hiding behind a pseudonym (apparently irony is not his strong point). This person/troll has been bombarding me with comments during the last week on several assorted posts of mine.
I assume you are not that same person since you are discussing health care issues.
Please accept my apologies as I thought the reference was to me. I'm sorry you have to deal with such unpleasant people.
Certain 'high churchmen' say they don't want "receiving communion to be politicized". Well, the fact that many highly visible pro-abortion 'Catholic' politicians insist on receiving Communion IS a political act! It is they who are being egregiously political, not the priest who is concerned about the politician's soul and the public shame his action causes to the faithful and traditional Catholic doctrine.
Herr Aged Parent, it is my profezzional opinion zat your troll is in need off a doze of humility und a good confezzion. An enema vould not hurt either.
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