Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Will Finland succeed in reversing the Poof "Marriage" Law?

Momentum is gaining in Finland to repeal the atrocious law that was recently imposed upon them. I wonder if little Finland will show the world the way to say "no" to Big Buggery.

The website Mass Resistance has the details.  From the article:

Late last year, as we reported, the Finnish Parliament narrowly passed a “gay marriage” law. As we’ve seen in so many other places, proponents used an aggressive, undemocratic strategy that allowed no parliamentary debate, discussion, or amendments to push the bill through its final stages. Within a week, over 12,000 people had resigned from the Finnish Lutheran Church over its Bishop’s pro-gay marriage remarks.
But last April’s nationwide elections changed the political landscape. A new Parliament was elected.  The top people in government are openly pro-traditional marriage. As a result, the Finnish pro-family movement has ignited across the country to get the bill repealed. Over 70,000 people have already signed a special petition to get it before the Parliament. And to counter the “gay” propaganda, they are out educating the population and the political leaders about the consequences of “gay marriage” for society.

Read the rest of this inspiring post here.

Pray for little Finland.

Dear lovely Finland, don't soil your beautiful land with that filth


Damask Rose said...

If Finland manages to do this, it will be truly beautiful.

Steve Dalton said...

I'm Finnish on my mom's side, And I'm glad to hear this.

Steve Dalton said...
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