Monday, November 21, 2016

Travel Tips when visiting the Holy Land

Travel brochures are often rather vague about what to expect when travelling in foreign countries and for that reason we thought that these tips for travelling in the Holy Land might be useful.

If you become injured while there, and have any Arab ancestry, this might be helpful to know:

In case Tel Aviv decides to start bombing innocent Christian Arabs in Gaza while you're there, you will need to find a good place to watch the killing and these folks:

When there you may wish to sample the local TV fare.  Here is an example:   [Please note this WARNING:  this is an extremely offensive, risque and blasphemous mockery of Our Lord's Crucifixion.  Personally, I wouldn't bother watching it, unless you have a very strong stomach.]

The travel brochures also probably don't mention that it might be a good idea to stay away from Israeli soldiers.  A good reason might be this one:

(Of course, if you think such things are good ideas, you could join the protest: )

If you wish to watch parades in the very land where Christ walked, this would be a plus:

Tel Aviv is also a favorite destination for many diverse groups:

Other than that, enjoy your trip to the Holy Land!

1 comment:

  1. I've always wanted to go to the Holy Land but under the current circumstances I'll stick to pilgrimages to the Franciscan Holy Land monastery in DC. VirtualTour.html
