Saturday, September 30, 2017

God's wonderful sense of humor

Sometimes God wishes to remind us puny men who worship at the altar of science and technology that, well, He is the one in control.

A great article:

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Gary Potter looks at "the goddess"

There is a line of Scripture politicians commonly recite when American warriors killed in action or law-enforcement officers killed in the line of duty are commemorated. They may refrain from identifying the New Testament as its source lest they risk breaching our liberal republic’s sacred “wall of separation” between Church and state, but we can do so. It is John 15:13: “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”

We recall this saying of Our Lord on self-sacrifice because our subject here is Ayn Rand, author of phenomenally-successful best-selling novels (The Fountainhead, first published in 1943, and Atlas Shrugged, published in 1957) and leading light of a brand of philosophy cobbled together by her and that she and her disciples called Objectivism. Some have described it as “romantic selfishness.” Moral anarchy would be a better description.

A celebrity in her day, Rand was frequently interviewed on television and in print media. Numerous of the TV interviews can be found on YouTube by those who are interested. They will hear that she had a stock answer for responding to any interviewer who asked, “What is Objectivism?” or “What exactly do you believe?”

She gave the same answer in a Playboy magazine interview in 1964. She held that “man exists for his own sake, that the pursuit of his own happiness is his highest moral purpose, that he must not sacrifice himself for others, nor others to himself.”

That’s quite a contrast to John 15:13.

If the notion that the pursuit of our own happiness is our highest moral purpose strikes us as an idea that would have special appeal to a self-absorbed adolescent, we shall ignore it that it is also proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence, the republic’s foundational document, as one of three “unalienable rights,” together with life and liberty. What interests us is that Rand’s philosophy figures in the thinking, and perforce the actions, of men of power today who are old enough that they ought long ago to have outgrown the self-centeredness of adolescence.

Read the whole article.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

How utterly charming

Signs of the Times:

Some addle-brained "musician" has produced an interesting video of himself lynching a white child. Aside from the innate barbarity of such an idea it must be much worse to have to watch (yeccch) or listen to (double yeccch) this "production."

As the rapper is from Florida let us hope Irma finds him.

A black rapper released a music video for a new single Tuesday in which he can be seen lynching a young white child.
The Florida rapper, XXXTentacion, put out the music video for his song, “Look at Me!,” which examines police brutality and racism in America. One part of the video shows XXXTentacion placing a white child and a black child in front of a noose. The rapper encourages the white child to place it around his neck and then proceeds to hang him.

                                                      Read the whole article here.

Monday, September 11, 2017

A flesh-eating synthetic bacteria

Another article pointing out the dangers of biological tampering.

The reports about tests on human beings that are being routinely carried out by certain Western corporations have become a sort of a trend these days.

Among others, one can recall the story about the long struggle between civil authorities of various states and the US chemical giant Monsanto provoked by research in the potential dangers of GMO products, and the Monsanto-produced herbicide Roundup in particular. The actual damage inflicted on the agricultural business of various states is yet to be carefully assessed, but even at this stage it safe to say that Monsanto’s expansion into India and surrounding markets resulted in deaths of thousands of people.

However, in the nearest future, the planet could face yet another “monster” that was bred deep inside US corporate laboratories. We are talking about the first synthetic bacteria – Cynthia, created “to combat oil pollution in the Gulf of Mexico” which, according to the various reports that are often ignored by the corporate media, has mutated and has started attacking animals and humans. Now this highly lethal microorganism is on its way to Europe.

One could recall that back in April 2010 an explosion at a British Petroleum oil rig resulted in millions of barrels of oil contaminating the Gulf of Mexico. Despite the drastic measures taken to prevent an environmental catastrophe, an oil slick produced by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill covered over sixty thousand square miles.

As one of the means of addressing the environmental catastrophe on their hands, Washington decided to take drastic measures, regardless of the possible consequences of those actions. It was at that time when an artificially created microorganism nicknamed Cynthia was unleashed, without any kind of examination of the possible threat it may pose to the environment.

Cynthia is the brainchild of the J. Craig Venter Institute — which was engaged in genetic engineering experiments since the beginning of the 21st century — and Synthetic Genomics Inc, and was created and funded directly by BP. It was believed that Cynthia feeds on oil, but it turns out now that it is equally willing to consume all forms of organic life as well…

                                                          Read the whole article.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Francis, when I am troubled I seek a priest, not a psychiatrist

How nice to know that years ago Pope Bergoglio thought it best to work out his problems by going to a psychiatrist.  Had he never heard of priests?  Or Confession?  Most Catholics I know who need serious advice seek a priest.

But not Bergoglio.

This says quite a lot about this seriously troubled man even though the incident occurred forty years ago.  His recent actions suggest an untidy (at least) or disordered (at worst) mind wherein all manner of nonsense and false ideas are lurking.  To prefer the opinions of Freudian frauds to the soothing balm of the Church indicates to this writer that he was comfortable in rejecting Church teaching for a long time.

Alfred Hitchcock was once asked if he went to psychiatrists if there were serious troubles going on in his mind.  "No", he replied, "I go to Confession."  But our future Pope had not even that little Catholic sense in him to talk over his problems with a fellow priest.

It says an awful lot about him.

Here is an article that details the story:

Pope Francis has revealed, for the first time, that he sought help from a psychoanalyst when he was younger.
He is believed to be the first Pope in history to have visited a psychoanalyst – or at least to have admitted to it.
In a new book, he says that at the age of 42 – decades before he was made Pope - he went to a psychiatrist in Buenos Aires in his native Argentina for six months.
Jorge Mario Bergoglio, as the Pope was known then, was at the time the head of the Jesuit order in Argentina.
“At a certain point, I felt the need to consult an analyst. For six months, I went to her house once a week to clarify a few things,” he revealed in the book, Pope Francis: Politics and Society. 
He did not specify exactly what “things” he wanted to clarify or why he felt the need to seek psychiatric help but he did say the treatment was successful.
“In those six months, she really helped me,” he said. “She was a wonderful person,” the 81-year-old pontiff said.

                                                      Read the whole article.

Friday, September 1, 2017

What did slavery have to do with the Civil War?


I will let Paul Craig Roberts explain:

When I read Professor Thomas DiLorenzo’s article the question that lept to mind was, “How come the South is said to have fought for slavery when the North wasn’t fighting against slavery?”
Two days before Lincoln’s inauguration as the 16th President, Congress, consisting only of the Northern states, passed overwhelmingly on March 2, 1861, the Corwin Amendment that gave constitutional protection to slavery. Lincoln endorsed the amendment in his inaugural address, saying “I have no objection to its being made express and irrevocable.”
Quite clearly, the North was not prepared to go to war in order to end slavery when on the very eve of war the US Congress and incoming president were in the process of making it unconstitutional to abolish slavery.
Here we have absolute total proof that the North wanted the South kept in the Union far more than the North wanted to abolish slavery.
If the South’s real concern was maintaining slavery, the South would not have turned down the constitutional protection of slavery offered them on a silver platter by Congress and the President. Clearly, for the South also the issue was not slavery.
The real issue between North and South could not be reconciled on the basis of accommodating slavery. The real issue was economic as DiLorenzo, Charles Beard and other historians have documented. The North offered to preserve slavery irrevocably, but the North did not offer to give up the high tariffs and economic policies that the South saw as inimical to its interests.
Blaming the war on slavery was the way the northern court historians used morality to cover up Lincoln’s naked aggression and the war crimes of his generals. Demonizing the enemy with moral language works for the victor. And it is still ongoing. We see in the destruction of statues the determination to shove remaining symbols of the Confederacy down the Memory Hole.
Today the ignorant morons, thoroughly brainwashed by Identity Politics, are demanding removal of memorials to Robert E. Lee, an alleged racist toward whom they express violent hatred. This presents a massive paradox. Robert E. Lee was the first person offered command of the Union armies. How can it be that a “Southern racist” was offered command of the Union Army if the Union was going to war to free black slaves?
Virginia did not secede until April 17, 1861, two days after Lincoln called up troops for the invasion of the South.

                                                        Read the whole article.