Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The SPLC strikes again

Some edifying words from the Southern Poverty Law Center as related by Thomas DiLorenzo:

The president of the Southern Poverty Law Center, which I like to more accurately call the Soviet Poverty Lie Center, recently declared that “Black Lives Matter is not a Hate Group.”  OK, case closed.
The Lie Center must have a very, very high bar to jump over in order to be labeled a “hate group.”  A few days ago at a Black Lives Matter riot/rally in Seattle a designated speaker wearing a Black Lives Matter jacket, identified as “a teacher,” said the following:
“We need to start killing people.   Killing the White House.  Burn it!”
“White people, give [us] your F-ing money, your F-ing house, your F-ing property, we need it F-ing now!  Reparations!”
“And we need to start killing people . . . to start killing the White House.”
“Pay the F up!” white people!
These are the same people who carry signs saying “Love Trumps Hate.”

Read the whole article

Friday, January 27, 2017

Pushing the faithful to its limits

I warn you, Holy Father, with all due respect, that if you keep pushing the faithful to the point of despair there will be a reaction.  Your attempts to mold the Catholic Church into something that suits your prejudices, your abysmal taste, your autocratic tendencies and your strange view of "mercy" are going to lead to a backlash.  The Catholic faithful are moving closer and closer to deep resentment and a great anger.

from the 1931 film, "Frankenstein"

When we Catholics pray for you we pray that you will come to your senses and bring peace to the Church.  Thus far, God in His wisdom has not answered these prayers.  That these prayers will be answered eventually we have no doubt. So we wait.

It is no longer possible to give you the benefit of the doubt.  Every day it seems you wish to go out of your way to demonize, demoralize and mock twenty centuries of Catholic teaching and Catholic culture.  Every day the Church, already at the edge of the abyss, is being pushed closer to that edge by one outrageous statement, or hateful action, after another.  You act like the head of the KGB, silently destroying your enemies and making sure that nothing but opprobrium sticks to the men and women whom you seek to humiliate.  Not a lot of mercy being shown in that instance, is there?

Speaking bluntly, we have had some terrible Popes in the past but you are, if not the worst, certainly in the top ten Disastrous Popes in History.  It breaks one's heart to have to say things like this to the Vicar of Christ on earth.  But when a Vicar of Christ directly contradicts the teachings of Christ then the faithful have a duty to speak.

Nations given to pure evil have been bombing and destroying innocents in places like Syria, but you, Francis, are more interested in the chimera of man-made climate change.  You say that you pray for these people.  That's great.  How about some eyeball-to-eyeball meetings with these evil men stating your displeasure?  Instead of frowning upon altar boys who show you respect how about frowning upon the face of swine like Obama?

Souls are falling into Hell like snowflakes under your watch, but you concentrate on trivialities. Stupefyingly ignorant Catholics who have no notion whatsoever about what their Church teaches get no help from you. They get only banalities, cliches and empty sloganeering.

When you meet God at the time of your death, how will you answer for your actions and inactions?  I scarcely think God will be impressed by how many meetings you have had with second-rate Hollywood actors or third-rate Hollywood directors.  It is doubtful that He will be impressed by your giving audiences to every blasphemer, sex deviate, atheist or child killer who begs an audience with you.  But God will most definitely be interested in the way you allowed the sacrileges and profanations of the Holy Eucharist to continue under your watch. True, you are not the only Pope who looked the way while the Eucharist was profaned.  John Paul II had much to answer for in that regard. Benedict could have stopped these sacrileges with the stroke of a pen (and diligent follow up) but he chose not to.  You could stop these desecrations with a stroke of the pen but you haven't; indeed, you have made it worse, first by letting Hosts get flung around by any Tom, Dick or Harriet at those awful papal rock concerts and second by your plans to allow adulterers and sodomites to receive Holy Communion while in the state of mortal sin.  Please know that you will have to answer for this when you have your meeting with Our Lord. Please ponder this.

Your driving Catholics to despair carries a price tag, one too horrible to contemplate.  You are still alive and in relatively good health.  There is still time for you to change course.  But if you keep inflicting upon Catholics dreadful and arrogant men like Blase Cupich, or keep encouraging repellent Modernists like the execrable Cardinal Kasper you may find that you have angered the Faithful to the point of carrying flaming torches to the door of the Vatican.  I warn you, this is not so far-fetched as it may seem.  Even loyal Catholics have a breaking point.  If you keep pushing them to that point do not be surprised if you see those flaming torches coming your way.

You are not dead yet, Francis.  God has not called you yet.  You still have time to change.  You can still undo some of the terrible damage you have done to Christ's Church.

It is your choice.

from "Frankenstein" (1931)

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Solzhenitsyn: The Der Spiegel Interview

Ten years ago, at age 88, Aleksander Solzhenitsyin granted an interview to the German publication Der Spiegel.  In re-reading this interview after all these years it became clear that his insights into the mind of the Russian people are vital, and need to be understood.  With Russia now being the punching bag of the Western powers-that-be we felt it essential to bring back this interview to the public.

It was always difficult to understand the Russian mind.  Here Solzhenitsyn unravels it for us:

SPIEGEL: Alexander Isayevich, when we came in we found you at work. It seems that even at the age of 88 you still feel this need to work, even though your health doesn’t allow you to walk around your home. What do you derive your strength from?
Solzhenitsyn: I have always had that inner drive, since my birth. And I have always devoted myself gladly to work -- to work and to the struggle.
SPIEGEL: There are four tables in this space alone. In your new book "My American Years," which will be published in Germany this fall, you recollect that you used to write even while walking in the forest.
Solzhenitsyn: When I was in the gulag I would sometimes even write on stone walls. I used to write on scraps of paper, then I memorized the contents and destroyed the scraps.
SPIEGEL: And your strength did not leave you even in moments of enormous desperation?
Solzhenitsyn: Yes. I would often think: Whatever the outcome is going to be, let it be. And then things would turn out all right. It looks like some good came out of it.
SPIEGEL: I am not sure you were of the same opinion when in February 1945 the military secret service arrested Captain Solzhenitsyn in Eastern Prussia. Because, in his letters from the front, Solzhenitsyn was unflattering about Josef Stalin, and the sentence for that was eight years in the prison camps.
Solzhenitsyn: It was south of Wormditt. We had just broken out of a German encirclement and were marching to Königsberg (now Kaliningrad) when I was arrested. I was always optimistic. And I held to and was guided by my views.
SPIEGEL: What views?
Solzhenitsyn: Of course, my views developed in the course of time. But I have always believed in what I did and never acted against my conscience.
SPIEGEL: Thirteen years ago when you returned from exile, you were disappointed to see the new Russia. You turned down a prize proposed by Gorbachev, and you also refused to accept an award Yeltsin wanted to give you. Yet now you have accepted the State Prize which was awarded to you by Putin, the former head of the FSB intelligence agency, whose predecessor the KGB persecuted and denounced you so cruelly. How does this all fit together?
Solzhenitsyn: The prize in 1990 was proposed not by Gorbachev, but by the Council of Ministers of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, then a part of the USSR. The prize was to be for "The Gulag Archipelago." I declined the proposal, since I could not accept an award for a book written in the blood of millions.

In 1998, it was the county’s low point, with people in misery; this was the year when I published the book "Russia in Collapse." Yeltsin decreed I be honored the highest state order. I replied that I was unable to receive an award from a government that had led Russia into such dire straits.
The current State Prize is awarded not by the president personally, but by a community of top experts. The Council on Science that nominated me for the award and the Council on Culture that supported the idea include some of the most highly respected people of the country, all of them authorities in their respective disciplines. The president, as head of state, awards the laureates on the national holiday. In accepting the award I expressed the hope that the bitter Russian experience, which I have been studying and describing all my life, will be for us a lesson that keeps us from new disastrous breakdowns.
Vladimir Putin -- yes, he was an officer of the intelligence services, but he was not a KGB investigator, nor was he the head of a camp in the gulag. As for service in foreign intelligence, that is not a negative in any country -- sometimes it even draws praise. George Bush Sr. was not much criticized for being the ex-head of the CIA, for example.
SPIEGEL: All your life you have called on the authorities to repent for the millions of victims of the gulag and communist terror. Was this call really heard?
Solzhenitsyn: I have grown used to the fact that, throughout the world, public repentance is the most unacceptable option for the modern politician.
SPIEGEL: The current Russian president says the collapse of the Soviet Union was the largest geopolitical disaster of the 20th century. He says it is high time to stop this masochistic brooding over the past, especially since there are attempts "from outside," as he puts it, to provoke an unjustified remorse among Russians. Does this not just help those who want people to forget everything that took place during the county’s Soviet past?
Solzhenitsyn: Well, there is growing concern all over the world as to how the United States will handle its new role as the world’s only superpower, which it became as a result of geopolitical changes. As for “brooding over the past," alas, that conflation of "Soviet" and "Russian," against which I spoke so often in the 1970s, has not passed away either in the West, or in the ex-socialist countries, or in the former Soviet republics. The elder political generation in communist countries was not ready for repentance, while the new generation is only too happy to voice grievances and level accusations, with present-day Moscow a convenient target. They behave as if they heroically liberated themselves and lead a new life now, while Moscow has remained communist. Nevertheless, I dare hope that this unhealthy phase will soon be over, that all the peoples who have lived through communism will understand that communism is to blame for the bitter pages of their history.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

A sane look at North Korea (for a change)

William Lind offers some desperately needed clear thinking on North Korea.

As North Korea inches its way toward possessing an ICBM than can hit the United States with a nuclear warhead–both of dubious reliability–we can expect a Korean “crisis” to grow. In fact, there need be no crisis. A deal with North Korea is not difficult to envision, and America now has a president who is good at making deals.
The conventional wisdom presents North Korea as a rogue state ruled by a madman, Kim Jong Un. He, and it, are irrational, dangerous, and impossible to predict. Sanctions having failed, we must pile up more sanctions. There is no alternative to growing hostility between North Korea and the U.S., a course which is likely at some point to lead to war. In the meantime, we must keep thousands of U.S. troops in South Korea, a country far stronger than North Korea.
But there is another way to look at the situation, one that sees continuity rather than irrationality in North Korean policy. For centuries, Korea, then one country, was known as the “Hermit Kingdom”. Like Japan under the last Shogunate, Korea was closed to foreigners, trade, and all outside contact. Its government, a monarchy, was centralized, powerful, and all-controlling. An “ideology” of sorts, Confucianism, was the only tolerated way of thinking. The king was regarded as semi-divine.
From this perspective, today’s North Korea is merely an extension of historic Korea. The Kims are a new dynasty, behaving very much like the old dynasty. North Korea’s legitimacy is rooted in this continuity; it is South Korea, not North Korea, that is a historic anomaly.
North Korea’s stress on military power, including obtaining nuclear weapons and delivery systems, is defensive, not offensive, in motivation. If you want to wall yourself off from the rest of the world, you had better be strong militarily. Otherwise, you can expect a visit from Commodore Perry’s Black Ships.
Read the whole article.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

The Unhelpful Pope

With a new US Administration coming into office the Pope has decided to comment, warning people against "populism", the kind of populism that brought Hitler to power.  But he's not passing any judgments he says.  So he obliquely compares Trump to Hitler but quickly adds that he is not making any judgements.  I see.  Our wily little Jesuit with an unseemly taste for power is showering us once again with his wisdom.

Pope Bergoglio has said some stupid things in the past three years but this might just take the cake. Look at it this way: a Pope with more than a little in common with Lenin is telling us to be wary of any new Hitlers on the horizon.  Aside from the sheer recklessness of these idiotic remarks is the nostril-filling stink of hypocrisy, coming from a man who is, let us be honest, a power mad autocrat.

Thomas Di Lorenzo comments:

Drudge reports that the pope was interviewed by a Spanish newspaper on inauguration day and said essentially the exact same thing, reminding the interviewer that Hitler was elected, and then “ruined his people,” making a direct comparison to President Trump.  The Castro-loving statist used this as a platform to denounce American and European “populism” and democracy.  He then very gratuitously and sanctimoniously conceded that it would be appropriate to wait and “see what he [President Trump] does” before concluding that he is, in fact, the reincarnation of Hitler.


This is a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black.  Here is a Pope who is riding roughshod over twenty centuries of tradition, indeed the very words of Christ, in his lunatic desire to form a Church to his liking and he has the utter gall to criticize someone else of being a dictator.  Clearly a man with no sense of irony.  Note to Francis: your iron fist is showing.

Whatever one thinks of Mr Trump this unwelcome bit of childish grandstanding by the Pope is not only embarrassing to himself but is making the Catholic Church more of a laughingstock than it already is.  The days of seriousness and dignity, last seen in the pontificate of Pius XII, have long been buried by the disasters that have been every papacy since.  And now that serious and dignity has been well and truly buried it is up to the pudgy gravedigger from Argentina to put the headstone on the grave.

Frankly, I've had my fill of this bad situation comedy coming from Rome.  And its ratings have been dropping of late anyway.  One hopes that God will cancel this series before the Universal Church is totally demolished.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Eric Margolis comments on the Inauguration.

I normally avoid patriotic events. They invariably remind me of the flag-waving idiocy that led to World War I.
In fact, I was even kicked out of the Boy Scouts in New York City after loudly commenting that their uber-patriotic display of flags, drums, crashing music and paramilitary uniforms looked like the old Hitler Youth.
But watching the inauguration of President Donald Trump (that’s the first time I write these words) I must admit the ceremony moved me way beyond my normally cynical self.
Mind you, I’ve been observing presidential investitures since my father flew us down from New York City to observe President Dwight Eisenhower’s inauguration in 1953. I vividly recall being awed by the giant atomic cannon being towed down Pennsylvania Avenue. I remember reading a fine biography of Genghis Khan on our Eastern Airlines flights.
What I found most impressive this time was the reaffirmation of America’s dedication to the peaceful transfer of political power. This was the 45th time this miracle has happened. Saying this is perhaps banal, but the handover of power never fails to make me proud to be an American and thankful we had such brilliant founding fathers.
This peaceful transfer sets the United States apart from many of the world’s nations, even Britain and Canada, where leaders under the parliamentary system are chosen in a process resembling a knife fight in a dark room. The US has somehow managed to retain its three branches of government in spite of the best efforts of self-serving politicians to wreck it.
Each new president inherits a sea of problems from his predecessor. Donald Trump’s biggest legacy headaches and priority will be in the Mideast, a disaster area on its own but made far, far worse by the bungling of the Obama administration and its dimwitted attempts to put the US and Russia on a collision course.
Thanks to George W. Bush – who dared show his face at the inauguration – and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Obama, Trump inherits America’s longest war, Afghanistan, with our shameful support of mass drug dealing, endemic corruption, and war crimes. Add the crazy mess in Iraq and now Syria.

Read the whole article.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Swamp Water

That Great Swamp Drainer, Donald Trump, seems to be refilling the swamp with great vigor.  I guess all that campaign bluster about cleaning the Washington sewer was just so much, well, sewage.

Look who's back again: the point man for the Rockefeller interests, Henry Kissinger, now a foreign policy guru in the Trump Administration, as he was in other disastrous administrations like Nixon's, Ford's, Clinton's, etc.

Henry Kissinger, right

And Goldman Sachs is once again very well represented by a slew of their "former" employees in important governmental positions, as they have been since Lyndon Johnson's day and every Administration since.  The globalists will have nothing to worry about with this crew in place.

The queers are well represented once again, too, starting with that great protector of pedophiles, Rex Tillerson, a man who not only used his power and influence to push sodomy on the hapless Boy Scouts and within his own company, Exxon, but is in fact a bonus in the new Administration because he is a member of the great Oil Interests and multinationals whose only loyalty is to their bank accounts.  And then there is of course the revolting Peter Thiel.

Trump and Peter Thiel holding hands.  Isn't that just precious?
So no small businesses who refuse to condone this unnatural vice will be left unmolested under a Trump presidency.

Mr Trump, the great denouncer of unnecessary wars in the Middle East, has positioned himself fully on the side of the nation that is the greatest promoter of Middle East turmoil, so we can be sure that Syria is not going to see peace any time soon nor will Iran - another country that does not bother its Christian population and in fact helps its Christians - be taken off the bombing list.  So, yes, there will be more wars and more dead bodies.

Christians grasping at any straw they can are giddy that Mr Trump will support good Supreme Court judges, as he said in the campaign.  Since we have just illustrated above that his campaign promises really don't amount to much it would seem a good idea not to get too excited about the possibility of a genuinely good court nominee.  And even if Trump presents such a nominee to the Senate, a group like their colleagues in the House a wholly-owned subsidiary of a foreign power, will have to approve him.  Have we all forgotten so soon the Robert Bork debacle?

Look how Trump's appointments had to bow and scrape before Big Buggery at their confirmation hearings.  And he will get sensible men into the judiciary?

Many who fear a new world war were ever ready to forget about The Donald's weak positions on everything else, hopeful in the knowledge that he really wanted to avoid war by seeking normal relations with Russia.  Lo and behold, even that seems a bit doubtful now.  The new president has reportedly agreed with the ludicrous hysteria concerning Russia and the election.  So we can chalk up another win for the Oligarchy.

Yes, Trump is hated by what some call "the Deep State", the state-within-the-state that really runs the show: the fabled military-industrial complex, the rogue intelligence services and their assassins, etc. They still are not sure what he is going to do.  The corporate media despises him as well.  These hatreds are about the only positives we can see in the new Administration.  But we remain skeptical that any of these hatreds will remain permanent if his appointments are anything to judge by.

Many voted for this man out of fear and loathing, well justified, of his opponent.  Due to that fear too many are cutting the new leader too much slack.  Wishful thinking has replaced prudence.  There is nothing wrong with the virtue of hope but that virtue must be tempered by realism.

To sum up, the homosexual juggernaut will continue, there will be no fewer murders of unborn children, the Money Power will still be well-entrenched and the American Empire will continue its inevitable trajectory toward chaos.  There may be small, insignificant victories for sanity along the way, but this Titanic on the Atlantic will not escape the iceberg.  It is far too late to turn the ship around.  America personifies Diabolical Disorientation.

Pessimism?  Yes.  But it is based on what is before one's own eyes.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Here is one European who has had enough

As a followup to the previous article which attempts to encourage Europe to throw off its chains we present this interview with the late Udo Ulfkotte, the German journalist who did just that.  He said "enough is enough" and began to tell those with ears to hear how the news media is now merely a functionary of the State.  It is an eye-opener.

Alas he died of a heart attack a few days ago (he had a history of heart trouble, though some detect something unsavory about his convenient exit from life) but before leaving us he has left us a book, Gekaufte Journalisten ("Journalists for Hire", the English translation of which will be released this coming May in a less expensive edition), about his role as a propaganda exporter.

Ulfkotte tried to awaken Europe.

Here is the video interview: https://youtu.be/yp-Wh77wt1o

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Europe: How many more punishments do you need before you wake up?

An Open Letter to Europe:

World War I decimates great swathes of Europe, brings down the last Catholic monarchies and opens the door to further horrors.

World War II:  the horrors increase, tenfold.

Now: the new barbarian invasion of Europe.  And America is frothing at the mouth to use Europe as the flashpoint for the new war they crave.  Just what is it going to take to wake you dear people up?

Those three (soon to be four?) tragedies were punishments from God because Europe, which created Western civilization, abandoned most of its principles.  Please read that again.

There are many reasons for these punishments but let us mention just a few.  You have became lukewarm in your practice of the Catholic Faith which created Europe.  When one generation goes lukewarm on this subsequent generations grow weaker and weaker so that now a majority of Europeans no longer take seriously the religion that gave them their lives and their nations. True, the Church has let you down terribly.  There is no question of that.  A series of weak, mediocre and vacillating pontiffs and the contagion of Modernism have made sure that the Church is only a shadow of its former robust self.  Nevertheless, too many of you dear people allowed that to open by a strange mixture of cynicism and papolatry.  The voices of great Catholics warning of imminent danger were ignored, mocked and forgotten.  Now look at what has happened to the Church.  Now look at what has happened to Europe.

You have rejected children.  Where are the normal sized Catholic families of at least 6-7 children? Here is a logic question for you:  what do you imagine happens when young Catholic s stop having large families and, conversely, other cultures have large families?  Must I answer that for you?  Yes? Well, here is what happens: in time there will be no little ones to grow, have families, and rebuild Catholic culture, and your antagonists will have large families who will replace your Catholic culture with something else.  [The same thing happens in America, although with a horrible twist:  white people no longer have children and blacks produce oceans of fatherless bastards - black illegitimacy is well over 80% - which creates untold turmoil.  At least the Muslims stay married and value children.]

You don't want to have children that put a crimp in your lifestyle?  Fine.  Then don't complain when Paris is overrun by lawless migrants or the little neighborhood you grew up in in the US is now a criminal hellhole unsafe to be anywhere near.  So who brought this misery upon you?  You did.  Sure, it is fine to blame vile filth like George Soros and son, Sheldon Adelson and all the craven politicians they own.  Yes, they facilitate this with money and unjust laws.  But you let them do it.  You voted in the Merkels, the Hollandes and the Camerons.

You absorbed into your beautiful Europe the worst stench of all time: American "culture".  Look at your once great films, composers, artists.  Where are they?  Instead you now jive to rap "music", deranged "rock", inane American films, etc.  You soak up this sewage and it infects your whole being. You allow the world's greatest purveyor of inedible rubbish, McDonald's, to sprout up everywhere, even the Vatican.  Yes, I realize that most Europeans who still have some of their culture left avoid these places like the plague, but how about your children and grandchildren, growing up on a diet of lousy hamburgers?

And now, an insanity to top all other insanities, you allow yourselves via your politicians, to allow your countries to be US military installations, complete with nuclear bombs all out of an irrational fear of a country that no longer means you any harm and simply wants to be friendly.  You do this because of your slavish and inexplicable admiration for the American Empire.  Do you not yet realize that America wants a new world war?  Poland, dear stupid Poland, is especially clueless in this regard.  Four thousand US troops have arrived there.  Do you not see, dear Poland, that you are pawns?  Have you Europeans realized that if a missile is fired at Russia from a US base in your country that the retaliation might possibly reduce you to ashes?  Was World War I and II not enough for you?

Europeans once got on their knees before God and Holy Mary to pray.  Now you get on your knees before America.

Lest you think I am critical solely of Europeans please know, as illustrated in some of my asides above, that I am well aware of the total corruption of the USA.  But it is not the USA that is going to stop the madness simply because the USA is one of authors of this madness.  America has no culture; it is a mere 200 years old.  It is Europe that has a culture, once a Catholic culture, and if it returns to its roots it, not the US, may save civilization.

It is no longer possible to sit by passively and allow vermin like Cardinals Marx, Schonborn, Kasper, Nichols et al to trash the faith of Europe.  Zero tolerance for these clerical criminals must be the order of the day.  Speak out against them.  They are trying to kill you, spiritually and bodily. You would sit by silently and allow them to do that?

And for the love of God stop showing up at their stupid New Masses.  If you must attend this puerile nonsense at least try to find one with some reverence.  Better, find the traditional, ancient Mass. They are peppered all over Europe.  Get your soul, heart and mind back into shape first before doing battle with your spiritual and cultural enemies.  Then do battle.

For your mental help, stop absorbing propaganda from the media.  The thrust of this little blog is just that, a fight against propaganda of all kinds.  Does it give you pleasure being lied to every day?  If not stop listening to them.  There are, after all, alternative sources.  Yet good as many of them are even some of them are not immune to passing along propaganda.  Think for yourselves. There are always two sides to a story.

Europe can be saved.  Not with its present politicians.  Not with the current regime in the Vatican. It has to start with prayer and you, and lots and lots of Christ's little ones being brought into the world. Either sacrifice that summer home, that grand holiday vacation every year, that second car now by having more and bigger Catholic families, or you will find yourself soon facing real sacrifices, such as food, shelter and safety.

Either Europe will be annihilated, most likely due to the war criminals in the USA or Europe will stand up, reclaim its Faith and reject this diabolical recipe for death.  Chaos is just around the corner. Sometimes, the first step in ending chaos, is looking into the eyes of a newborn.

Dear Europeans, start there, at least.  And start now.

American Gratitude

In the movie Hidden Figures Americans are being brainwashed with the Fake History that we couldn’t have made it to the moon without sassy black women doing the math. Paul Kersey has already pointed out that the flight path trajectory was actually developed by a white Southerner, Dr. Jack Crenshaw. But there’s an even more Politically Incorrect truth: we couldn’t have done it without Germans—specifically, Nazi rocket scientists. For that matter, we probably couldn’t have launched the Star Wars anti-missile program and won the Cold War. I know. I was there. And the shameful treatment America meted out to one of those scientists, Arthur Rudolph, troubles me to this day.
As older readers may recall, at the end of the war—that would be WW II for us octogenarians—our government took the role of the coyote and smuggled a few illegal aliens into the country. In “Operation Paperclip” we snatched Wernher von Braun and his team from under the nose of the advancing Soviets and transported them in darkest secrecy to the desert of White Sands Proving Grounds, near El Paso. There they resumed work where they had left off in Germany. (Attn. VDARE.com Editor Peter Brimelow: Is it possible that not all illegal immigration is bad?)
14 April 55 In an unprecedented ceremony held at Huntsville High School, 103 German-born scientists, technicians, and members of their families became American citizens. Among those taking the oath of citizenship was Dr. Wernher von Braun. Von Braun’s team continued their rocket experiments by re-assembling and firing Hitler’s leftover V-2 rockets that we had confiscated when we invaded Germany. Eventually—now get this—on an appointed day these foreigners were smuggled from Texas into Mexico, from whence they merrily sashayed across the Rio Grande bridge and legally immigrated into the U.S.A.! Eventually, they became American citizens.(Right, a 1955 citizenship ceremony in Huntsville High School, in which 103 German nationals swore the Oath of Allegiance.)
In 1955, the team was moved to Huntsville, AL, and to its sprawling Redstone Arsenal. When President Kennedy announced the goal of sending a man to the moon, the team transferred to the newly-formed NASA, where they became famous in the eyes of the world during the glorious days of the dawning Space Age. Von Braun was chosen to head the George C. Marshall Space Flight Center. Then came Explorer, Gemini, Apollo, and on to the moon!
I had two personal connections to these men. The first relates to a dark spot amidst the brilliance of the Space Race.
One of von Braun’s top lieutenants, Arthur Rudolph (right) developed the Saturn V, the world’s greatest booster rocket and the one used in the Apollo mission. However, once America no longer needed Rudolph, the Office of Special Investigations accused him of war crimes.

Read the whole article.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Nearly a thousand children rotting in a dark jail.....

....for the crime of throwing stones.


I came across this comment at a news website which puts the whole question of what is happening in that part of the world in the simplest of terms:

I wonder if you took a poll in the United States…an honest poll….and asked every American whether they thought it would constitute a “crime” for a twelve year old kid to pick up a stone and throw it at the bulldozer of an occupying army, coming onto his family's property to bulldoze his family's home that had been in his family for 12 generations, I wonder what they would say ?

In other home demolishing news:





Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Hungary gets serious about George Soros

Years ago when the Crown of St Stephen, kept in safekeeping when the Communists took over that nation, was returned to Hungary many including this writer saw that as a terrible act of betrayal.

But given what has been happening in Hungary in recent decades I'm not so sure anymore.  Perhaps it was a providential action.  Now I thank God the Crown was returned.  Hungary is about to take serious steps to rid its land of the contagion of George Soros.

Hungary plans to crack down on non-governmental organizations linked to billionaire George Soros now that Donald Trump will occupy the White House, according to the deputy head of Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s party.
The European Union member will use “all the tools at its disposal” to “sweep out” NGOs funded by the Hungarian-born financier, which “serve global capitalists and back political correctness over national governments,” Szilard Nemeth, a vice president of the ruling Fidesz party, told reporters on Tuesday. No one answered the phone at the Open Society Institute in Budapest when Bloomberg News called outside business hours.
“I feel that there is an opportunity for this, internationally,” because of Trump’s election, state news service MTI reported Nemeth as saying. Lawmakers will start debating a bill to let authorities audit NGO executives, according to parliament’s legislative agenda.

Orban, the first European leader to publicly back Trump’s campaign, has ignored criticism from the European Commission and U.S. President Barack Obama’s administration for building a self-described “illiberal state” modeled on authoritarian regimes including Russia, China and Turkey. In 2014, Orban personally ordered the state audit agency to probe foundations financed by Norway and said that civil society groups financed from abroad were covers for “paid political activists.”

Read the whole article

Viktor Orban will have a fight on his hands when he tackles with a swine like Soros.  May Our Lord bless Hungary.

The Crown of St Stephen

Monday, January 9, 2017

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Friday, January 6, 2017

Political Correctness and the Ruling Class

This is not a photo of Dracula.  It is Baron Rothschild.

An interesting take on those who rule over us.

Comrade, your statement is factually incorrect.”
“Yes, it is. But it is politically correct.”

he notion of political correctness came into use among Communists in the 1930s as a semi-humorous reminder that the Party’s interest is to be treated as a reality that ranks above reality itself. Because all progressives, Communists included, claim to be about creating new human realities, they are perpetually at war against nature’s laws and limits. But since reality does not yield, progressives end up pretending that they themselves embody those new realities. Hence, any progressive movement’s nominal goal eventually ends up being subordinated to the urgent, all-important question of the movement’s own power. Because that power is insecure as long as others are able to question the truth of what the progressives say about themselves and the world, progressive movements end up struggling not so much to create the promised new realities as to force people to speak and act as if these were real: as if what is correct politically—i.e., what thoughts serve the party’s interest—were correct factually.
Communist states furnish only the most prominent examples of such attempted groupthink. Progressive parties everywhere have sought to monopolize educational and cultural institutions in order to force those under their thumbs to sing their tunes or to shut up. But having brought about the opposite of the prosperity, health, wisdom, or happiness that their ideology advertised, they have been unable to force folks to ignore the gap between political correctness and reality.
Especially since the Soviet Empire’s implosion, leftists have argued that Communism failed to create utopia not because of any shortage of military or economic power but rather because it could not overcome this gap. Is the lesson for today’s progressives, therefore, to push P.C. even harder, to place even harsher penalties on dissenters? Many of today’s more discerning European and American progressives, in possession of government’s and society’s commanding heights, knowing that they cannot wield Soviet-style repression and yet intent on beating down increasing popular resistance to their projects, look for another approach to crushing cultural resistance. Increasingly they cite the name of Antonio Gramsci (1891–1937), a brilliant Communist theoretician for whom “cultural hegemony” is the very purpose of the struggle as well as its principal instrument. His writings envisage a totalitarianism that eliminates the very possibility of cultural resistance to progressivism. But owing more to Machiavelli than to Marx or Lenin, they are more than a little complex about the means and are far from identical with the raw sort of power over culture enforced by the Soviet Empire or, for that matter, that is rife among us today.
 My purpose here is to explain how progressives have understood and conducted their cultural war from the days of Lenin, and how Gramsci’s own ambiguous writings illustrate the choices they face in conducting that war in our time and circumstances—especially with regard to political correctness in our present culture war.
Read the whole article.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

James Larson offers cautionary words to Cardinal Burke

Mr James Larson offers these thoughts on Cardinal Burke's seeking clarity regarding Amoris Laetitia. Like many, Mr Larson is afraid that should some kind of "firing" of the Pope come to pass it would change the Divine Monarchial structure of the Church into something it can never be, namely an Aristocracy, whereby Bishops and Cardinals could get together and simply depose a Pope they did not like.

These are controversial, uncharted waters that could be entered into, and as much as I and other Catholics would like to see the end of the Francis Regime we must consider carefully the ramifications of some of the ideas being put forward so that we don't fatally damage the Church of Christ in our efforts to fight back against the lunacies emanating from the Vatican.

I also hope it goes without saying that my admiration for Cardinal Burke remains undiminished even if at times I have questioned one or two of his statements in these pages.  I also recognize, vis-a-vis the Pope's dreadful document, that the Cardinal can change his mind after soberly reflecting upon the dangers the exhortation presents.

Monarchy, Si.  Aristocracy, No.  Let those be our watchwords.

Cardinal Burke
The Center Will Not Hold
It would seem an unquestionable fact that Cardinal Burke is the most influential leader in the resistance to the “moral gradualism” set in motion throughout the Church by Pope Francis and his Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia. The traditional/orthodox Catholic world now seems to hang upon his every word and action.
It began slowly. Many traditional Catholics were deeply disappointed by Cardinal Burke’s initial response to Amoris Laetitia. In his statement issued in early April, 2016, it was his position that Amoris Laetitia needed to be interpreted in terms of Catholic tradition, while it was of course the position of many traditional Catholic media commentators that it in fact directly contradicted the traditional doctrinal and practical tradition of the Church. In his initial response, Cardinal Burke stated:
The secular media and even some Catholic media are describing the recently issued post-synodal apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia, “Love in the Family,” as a revolution in the Church, as a radical departure from the teaching and practice of the Church, up to now, regarding marriage and the family.
Such a view of the document is both a source of wonder and confusion to the faithful and potentially a source of scandal, not only for the faithful but for others of goodwill who look to Christ and his Church to teach and reflect in practice the truth regarding marriage and its fruit, family life, the first cell of the life of the Church and of every society”.
It matters little whether we interpret the words “some Catholic media” to apply to militantly liberal or traditional Catholic media venues. The fact is that both rightly saw Amoris Laetitia as being a “revolution” and “radical departure” from traditional Catholic teaching, and thus both had to fall under Cardinal Burkes deprecatory categorization of them as causing “wonder and confusion” for the faithful. Quite rightly, therefore, many traditional Catholics felt somewhat betrayed by Cardinal Burke’s assessment.
It is, however, Cardinal Burke himself who has done the most since last April to keep this “scandal”, with all its “wonder and confusion”, alive not only in the minds and hearts of the Catholic faithful, but also in the eyes of the world.
On September 19, 2016, four Cardinals (Walter Branmuller, Raymond Burke, Carlo Caffara, and Joachim Meisner) sent a letter to Pope Francis, along with five “Dubia” (“doubts” or “questions”) in reference to the teaching of the Pope’s Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia, and requesting that these Dubia be answered and clarified by the Pope himself.
The letter went unanswered, and thus, on November 14, these Cardinals published both the Letter and Dubia, along with a Foreword, and also an Explanatory Note which further elaborated on the five Dubia, to the general public. This composite of documents they titled Seeking Clarity. A Plea to Untie the Knots in “Amoris Laetitia”.
One day later, on November 15, in an interview with Edward Pentin of the National Catholic Register, Cardinal Burke emphatically agreed with Mr. Pentin that some of the teachings of Amoris Laetitia, “go against the law of non-contradiction” in respect to moral doctrine and the state of soul necessary to receive the sacraments, and that if there is no response (from Pope Francis) to these questions, “I would say that it would be a question of taking a formal act of correction of a serious error”, and that “It is the duty in such cases, and historically it has happened, of cardinals and bishops to make clear that the Pope is teaching error and to ask him to correct it.”
Further, in an interview with Catholic Action for Faith and Family, Cardinal Burke flatly stated his opinion that Amoris Laetitia was not magisterial because it “contains serious ambiguities” [which, if they “go against the law of non-contradiction”, are obviously heretical) that “confuse people and can lead them into error and grave sin.” He further stated that “we [the four Cardinals] are hoping to make this a discussion for all Catholics, especially our fellow bishops.”
Cardinal Burke, in other words, has contradicted his own original position that Amoris Laetitia could be interpreted in line with Tradition, and has placed himself in the forefront of those who propose that its teachings entail a “radical departure” from tradition. He cannot any longer maintain the posture that he and the other Cardinals are only seeking “clarification”. Having publicly stated that Amoris Laetitia contains teachings which “go against the law of non-contradiction” in regard to traditional moral doctrine, he is necessarily identifying these teachings as heretical. Further, in declaring that “we are hoping to make this a discussion for all Catholics, especially our fellow bishops”, he shows that he is committed to taking what he formerly labeled as “potentially a form of scandal” to the highest level of public awareness where it will indeed create the most “wonder and confusion” among the faithful. And, obviously, he plans to use the public media to do so.
But he has now gone much further.

Read the whole article.

It's Christmas time

It's Christmas time !

How do we know?

The snow is falling, people are wishing everyone "Merry Christmas", the Christmas trees are going up and decorated, homes and stores are festooned with lights and ornaments, the stores are busy, the children are happy and PBS is running a special debunking the existence of Jesus.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Oh, brother: now they're calling it the "fall" of Aleppo

I'm going to start a new organization.  It will be called Liars Anonymous.  It will be designed to help congenital liars - like the media, Hollywood, the White House, etc. - by trying to free them from this addiction to mendacity.

The US/Israeli/Saudi proxy warriors have been kicked out of Aleppo by the Syrians, the Russians and the Iranians.  The people are joyful again.  So how is everyone portraying this de-infestation of the jihadist animals out of Aleppo?  They are calling it "the fall of Aleppo" !

Of course.  And why not?  The lies must be kept coming at all costs.

Now, the reality: