Sunday, July 31, 2016

James Larson: "Lift up your heads"

From the pen of James Larson, some thoughts very much worth considering, as devastating as they are hopeful.  The title of his article below, though dramatic, does not necessarily indicate in which direction this article is going to go. That will become clear as one reads through it.

The Antichrist
And the Papacy of Pope Francis
But when these things begin to come to pass, look up, and lift up your heads, because your redemption is at hand.” (Luke 21: 28)
The above-quoted words of Our Lord were spoken after He had enumerated many of the evils that can befall his faithful followers – both at the end of time, and all those situations and foreshadowings which will prefigure the final confrontation between Christ and Antichrist, and between the City of God and the City of this world.
Jesus begins, appropriately, with a warning against following any of the many false messiahs who will precede His Second Coming: “Take heed you be not seduced; for many will come in my name, saying, I am he; and the time is at hand: go ye not therefore after them.” He then proceeds to enumerate a host of other evils which might indeed, on the natural level, force us to cast our heads downwards in despair and loss of faith: wars between nations and kingdoms; earthquakes, famines, and pestilences; terrors from heaven and other great signs; persecutions; delivering up “to the synagogues and into the prisons”, “dragging before kings and governors”; betrayal by parents, brethren, kinsmen, and friends; being put to death; being hated by all men for His name’s sake. A similar list is offered in Matthew 24.
It matters little whether we choose to apply Our Lord’s words to the Apostles themselves, to the times of the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D., or to the time immediately preceding the Final Judgment. Each of these applications is legitimate because the essential truths enumerated herein apply to all generations of Christians: the world necessarily hates Christ and His followers, and will wage unceasing and accelerating war against them until the final confrontation between the Antichrist and Christ.
But it is not necessarily this list of evils, to which the Christian life is subject, which is difficult for us to accept. If we have any knowledge of the Gospel, we must know these things to be inevitable. Rather, it is the “lifting up of our heads” while we are suffering such trials that provides the greatest challenge. Every manifestation of the spirit of Antichrist performs its unique seduction upon the faithful of that particular period in human history. It can be easy for us now to place things in perspective that occurred in the past – “How could Judas have been so blind?” – but it can be nigh unto impossible to possess such perspective when a new form of the outpouring of evil is upon us. It can overwhelm us with the sense that what we are now seeing is something entirely new which presents an unsolvable dilemma, that our faith is a chimera, that the Church has failed, and that Christ’s promises have failed Such is the real work of the spirit of Antichrist down through history, and thus the enormous importance of Our Lord’s words of warning and preparation.
The seduction of this spirit of Antichrist which we now face would seem the most poisonous and insidious in all of Christian history, and therefore presents an enormous temptation not only to despair, but to profound bitterness, loss of charity, schism, and sedevacantism. The following is written, hopefully, as a contribution to strengthening our faith, that we might lift our heads in the midst of the present crisis and rejoice in the promises of Christ and Our Lady.
In my article The War Against the Soul, which was written towards the beginning of the Pontificate of Benedict XVI, I wrote the following (I have made slight changes):
< Possibly the most mysterious passage of the New Testament is to be found in St. Paul’s second letter to the Thessalonians, in which he discusses the coming of the Antichrist. It reads as follows:
And now you know what withholdeth [the coming of the Antichrist], that he may be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity already worketh; only that he who now holdeth, do hold, until he be taken out of the way”(2 Thess 2:6-7).
Irenaeus of Lyons, Tertullian, Hippolytus, St. Cyril of Jerusalem, St. John of Chrysostom, St. Jerome, St. Augustine of Hippo all agreed in seeing “he who now holdeth” to be the Roman Empire and the Caesars who ruled this empire. The Roman Empire represented the force of law (despite all its tyrannies, injustices, and immoralities) which prevented the “man of lawlessness” from ascending to power.
The pagan Roman Empire fell in 476 AD. However, the restraining force of the Roman Empire against “the man of lawlessness” did not cease. This principle of continuity in the history of the Roman Empire was delineated with perspicuity by Pope Pius IX in his encyclical Cum Catholica Ecclesia:
It is therefore, by a particular decree of Divine Providence that, at the fall of the Roman Empire and its partition into separate kingdoms, the Roman Pontiff, whom Christ made the head and center of his entire Church, acquired civil power. Certainly, it was by a most wise design of God Himself that in the midst of so great a multitude and variety of temporal princes, the Sovereign Pontiff enjoyed political liberty, which is so necessary for him to exercise his spiritual power, his authority, and his jurisdiction over the whole world.”
In other words, the “bottom line” behind the rule of law and social order now passed from the realm of physical force into the spiritual realm – the rule of Christian Truth and Charity. This is what built Christian Civilization. And since all of this is a gift of God through His Church, which is built upon the rock of the Papacy, it is the Roman Pontiff who must be seen as the one who “witholdeth” the rise of the Antichrist.
We might be tempted to conclude that such a “taking out of the way” of the Pope should be interpreted physically, but I believe this to be an inadequate explanation. Quite a number of Popes have been taken away from Rome and/or held prisoner by precursors of the Antichrist, and yet the moral force necessary to restrain the ascension of Antichrist remained intact.
Nor can this “taking away” be meant to signify that for a period of time the Chair of Peter is unoccupied. The world has already experienced extended Papal interregnums, and these have not provided the conditions necessary for the ascension of Antichrist.
All of this should tell us that what we are dealing with here is the possibility of the interior intellectual and moral force of the Papacy being eliminated or diminished in such a way as to create a sufficiently pervasive spiritual vacuum into which the Antichrist will be able to gain entrance and ascend to power. It is this spiritual vacuum which I have detailed in all my articles concerning the philosophy and theology of Joseph Ratzinger. I do not intend to rehash all that here. But there is one quote from Joseph Ratzinger early writings which I believe epitomizes the extent to which the once absolutely certain intellectual and moral force of the Church and the Papacy has been reduced to a small, timid, and virtually inconsequential voice:
To say this is to imply that faith must clearly adjust itself to an intellectual pluralism that cannot ever be reversed, and within this intellectual climate must present itself as a comprehensible offer of meaning, even if it can find no prolegomena in a commonly accepted philosophical system. That means, in the end, that the meaning which man needs becomes accessible in any case only through a decision for a meaningful structure. It may not be proved, but can be seen as meaningful." (Faith and the Future, p. 74-75)”
Can we even begin to imagine any Pope from the time of Peter up until Vatican Council II conceivably making a statement which so reeked of spiritual castration? If this was still the position of Pope Benedict XVI, then it gives ample testimony to a Papacy that was very close to being in that position of philosophical, theological, and moral bankruptcy as to constitute its having been “taken out of the way”. >
This bankruptcy has been dramatically accentuated during the Papacy of Francis, not because his philosophical and theological orientation and ideas are much more radical than that of Benedict, but because Francis, unlike Benedict, is a troubadour loudly and crudely acting out these heresies and demonic errors upon the world’s stage. And, contrary to the fantasies of many Traditionalists, it is clear that Benedict approves. At the recent ceremony (June 28, 2016) featuring Pope Francis honoring Benedict on the 65th anniversary of his priesthood, Benedict stated, “Thank you, Holy Father, for your goodness, which from the first moment of your election has struck me every day of my life We hope that you can go forward with all of us on this path of divine mercy, showing us the path of Jesus, toward Jesus, toward God.” As I have clearly delineated in other articles, Pope Francis’ “path of mercy” is constituted by a silence towards Christ’s Truth, which facilitates an inclusiveness towards evil. Pope Benedict’s fulsome embrace of this agenda is proof-positive that his “hermeneutics of continuity” ultimately devolves into a simple prostitution to the evils of this world.
Concerning the “leaven” of the Pharisees, Our Lord said, “For whatsoever things you have spoken in darkness, shall be published in the light: and that which you have spoken in the ear in the chambers, shall be preached on the housetops.” The consequences of what was spoken in the darkness of Joseph Ratzinger’s philosophy and theology are now being shouted, through the words and actions of Pope Francis, from every headline, and carried on every wave of the media. It is a spiritual miasma which penetrates everywhere, and receives from a jubilant world the exclamation, “He is one of us!” - “He has been taken away!”
It is important to admit to ourselves that our present situation is without precedent in the history of the Papacy. The Church has certainly had Popes who were profoundly immoral. It has had Popes who have been wrong in their personal views in regard to some point of doctrine, or who made horrendously bad juridical decisions. But never has it had a Pope who believed that Divine Revelation was itself an evolutionary phenomenon (as does Benedict and, apparently, Francis), and who believes that a bogus mercy trumps Catholic doctrine (as Francis has explicitly expressed), and who loudly and triumphantly proclaims this to be so. We are therefore faced with a situation, which seems to have never been anticipated in all of the sermons and writings of the early Church Fathers (and others down through history) concerning the subject of the Antichrist and his rise to power – that a Pope himself could become so interiorly corrupted, philosophically and theologically, as to become the cause of his own being “taken away” as the effective intellectual and moral force which prevents the rise of Antichrist.

Read the whole article here.

[Editor's note;  In your kindness I ask our readers to offer a prayer or two for the family of Mr Larson.  Many thanks.]

Friday, July 29, 2016

Vladimir Putin is trying desperately to tell us something

But is anyone listening?


The recklessness of our bought politicians is truly breathtaking.  Arrogance combined with amorality is a combination that virtually assures that dire consequences will be the result.

I would hope that good men like Roberto de Mattei and Sandro Magister would also listen.  As greatly as I admire these two staunch defenders of the Faith I cannot avoid pointing out that their view of today's Russia as an aggressor nation is without justification.  Far too many people swallow the tall tales put out by the world's controlled media instead of sitting back and using their common sense.

All of these impending worldly disasters pale in comparison to the disasters which now await the Catholic Church and which are in fact unfolding in the Church as we write. Therefore it is what happens in the Church that carries more importance than even worldwide nuclear war if, God forbid, that is what the villains have in store for us.  But we nevertheless present these words of Mr Putin, the words of a man with a clear head, as a reminder that disasters can be avoided if we do what we are expected to do.

(h/t Patrick Foy)

[For your amusement:\comrade-donald/]

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Two Comments from Religious Leaders on the murder of the French priest

A study in contrasts.

From Patriarch Kirill, Head of the Russian Orthodox Church, via InterfaxReligion:

Moscow, July 27, Interfax - Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia has offered words of support to the people of France in regard to the hostage-taking during a mass in a church in Rouen and the killing by terrorists of priest Jacques Hamel.

"This outrageous crime was committed in a holy place and it shocks by its inhumane cruelty and the fact that it is against all moral norms. There is no and there can be no justification for it," the patriarch said in his message of condolence to Cardinal Andre Vingt-Trois, Archbishop of Paris, issued by the patriarch's press service.

The patriarch wished for God to "rest His servant's soul in the heavenly abodes," comfort and support everyone hurt and give peace and blessings to the people of France.

Then this, from the Archbishop of Rouen (h/t Canon 212)

"Be apostles of the civilization of love".

Monday, July 25, 2016

At last, Religious Leaders Condemn a Homosexual Parade

If you were expecting those leaders to be from the Vatican you would, of course, be mistaken.  It was Russian Jews living in Jerusalem who last week were protesting this abomination on the land where Christ walked.

From Interfax-Religion:

Moscow, July 22, Interfax - The Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia (FJCR) is outraged with a gay pride in Jerusalem held this Thursday. 

"Manifestations of such exhibitionism - demonstration of your sexual orientation in public - is unacceptable. First of all, we express strong protest to Jerusalem authorities as they permitted this abusive action," FJCR president Alexander Boroda said commenting the event on Interfax-Religion request. 

He stressed that being a believer, he cannot stay indifferent to the developments in the Holy Land as Israel and Jerusalem are "holy places for the Jews of the whole world," and reminded that Judaism as well as other monotheistic religions categorically prohibits homosexuality and practices "strongly negative attitude to homosexual relations."

"A religious person bases on the conviction that we should not be guided by our passions. God set laws of behavior restricting us. Until a person stays at home, he can do whatever he wants, but out in the open it is necessary to coordinate your actions with other people's behavioral norms," Boroda said

Read the whole article here.

Isn't it sad when it takes Jews to say something that every Catholic priest and Bishop should be saying, loud and clear.  Remember these Jews in your prayers that their common sense may guide them into the One True Church which is, and always was, their birthright.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

And they stood and cheered

Not taking my blood pressure into account I occasionally watched a few moments of the Republican Convention.  On Thursday night, the last night of the gathering, I watched here and there, as much as I could stomach.  It's true I didn't expect much but I was not prepared for what followed.  The official festivities began with a so-called "invocation" by some obese televangelist who was as embarrassing as he was ridiculous.  I shut him off pretty quickly.

Later I managed to catch some ravings by Reince Preibus, a GOP bigwig, delivering the usual boilerplate rubbish about the Republicans.  When he said that the Republicans stood for "peace and prosperity" half of my supper landed on the TV screen.

But the last straw came later.  I flipped channels to see some super rich creature (Peter Thiel, co-founder of Paypal) standing at the podium telling the attendees that he was "proud to be gay".  How far have we fallen as a nation that the so-called "conservative" party would put before an audience a sex pervert, a buggerer, a man engaging in unnatural vice.  As insulting and obscene as that was the worse came right after he said that: the audience stood and cheered.

It was at that moment that I resigned myself to the inevitable, that the nation is beyond redemption by any human means, and begged God's mercy.

I have finally awakened from my sleep.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

And I thought we were finally rid of Rembert Weakland

Rembert's Revenge: Blase Cupich

Scraping the very bottom of the barrel for ecclesiastic promotion is an exercise which the Vatican has recently raised to an art form.  The weird collection of dolts, cowards, sneering hypocrites, effeminate poseurs and outright poofs who now inhabit the Vatican, and hundreds of Chanceries around the world, is truly a sight to see.  And Blase Cupich is a sight to see.

We are back in the days of "Jadot's Boys", that group of undistinguished men who were given high office under the recommendations of Archbishop Jean Jadot, who was in charge of vetting the men who would become Bishops.  Jadot, who was strongly rumored to be homosexual, managed to get into positions of power men who were not only possible homosexuals but most certainly avowed Modernists. Pope Paul VI gave us Jadot and Jadot gave us men like Rembert Weakland, a flaming homosexual. We also have Jadot to thank for the execrable Howard Hubbard and Roger Mahony among others.  Jadot's close friendship with Bernardin of Chicago is another fact hardly calculated to inspire confidence.

This blog has been calling Blase Cupich the "poor man's Rembert Weakland" ever since his pasty-faced visage was presented to us by his Modernist patron, Pope Francis.  At the moment we will continue calling him that because it really would be hard to find someone worse than Weakland.  So until such time as Cupich outdoes Weakland, which I frankly suspect is possible, he will remain the cut-rate Rembert.

But he is now shaping up to be a cut-rate Jean Jadot, too, thanks to his new position as the Grand Selector of Future Bishops.  In fact Cupich may have even more control than Jadot ever had since Jadot was merely an Apostolic Nuncio; Cupich may have an international influence.

The good God is indeed furious with us to allow this to happen.

Here is Blase on Halloween in his brand new Bishop's costume

Here is Blase looking for the teleprompter, or cue cards

Here's Blase with his doddering old grandpa

Here's Blase with some guy who just got punched in the nose

"I don't think these colors match, Bruce.  It's just not me."

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The Witches of Washington

with thanks to deathby1000cuts blog

I, too, have speculated that if Trump actually wins in November both the Democrats and the Republicans in Congress will join together to stop him from accomplishing anything.  The article below bears this out.  That scenario would at least have the consoling (for me) effect of finally convincing everyone that there is no difference at all between the two parties, and that these "semi-annual puppet shows", as Mr Belloc called them, are just a very bad comedy.

His remarks about the disgusting Hillary (London mayor Boris Johnson once described her as a woman "with a steely blue stare, like a sadistic nurse in a mental hospital.") are spot-on and should give chills down the spine of anyone contemplating her as a president.

From the article:

You would think Hillary haters everywhere would be rejoicing the fact that the FBI found her guilty of committing multiple federal crimes. But a funny thing happened on the way to prison: FBI director James Comey inexplicably recommended that Hillary not be indicted and thus be allowed to continue her decades-long crime spree. That’s right — the Face of Evil once again proved that the Clinton Book of Laws for Elites overrides the laws of the United States of America.
Of course, everyone — even those on the radical left — realizes that Hillary is guilty of multiple felonies and that her being allowed to skate was made possible by a collaboration among BHO, Loretta Lynch, Bubba, and James Comey. But you already know all this, so it’s not any great revelation.
The question on the front burner now is where this farcical lack of justice will lead. To lay the foundation for such a discussion, let’s start with a handful of things we know for certain.
  1. Hillary Clinton is a walking crime machine, a career criminal beyond rehabilitation.
  2. She’s also a serial liar, having lied repeatedly about such events as Benghazi, the connection between donations to the Clinton Foundation and gargantuan speaking fees paid to the Hillbillies (not to mention favors granted to foreign governments while she was Secretary of State), and, of course, the use of a private email server to prevent authorities from having access to her emails.
  3. She refuses to release her speeches to Wall Street firms who paid her millions of dollars for presentations ranging from 20 to 45 minutes. The reason for this is almost as obvious as why an elected president would have his college records sealed.
  4. Contrary to James Comey’s absurd conclusion that his FBI team could not find any intent on Hillary’s part, the truth is that everything about Hillary’s illegal email activities was intentional. The fact that the FBI uncovered lie after lie is, of and by itself, conclusive proof of her intent to deceive. (I’ll be generous here and not even go into the fact that the law specifically states that intent is irrelevant in determining whether or not someone is guilty of mishandling classified information.)
  5. Hillary hates Barack Obama, and Obama hates both her and Bubba. You can bet that the world’s most narcissistic community organizer has never forgotten Bill Clinton’s purported comment to Ted Kennedy back in 2010, to wit: ”A few years ago, this guy (Obama) would have been getting us coffee.” [Editor's Note:  I never thought I would agree with anything Bill Clinton said.]I’m told that community organizers have very long memories.
  6. Because Obama has Hillary by the short hairs, she gritted her teeth and made the pragmatic decision to do his bidding in exchange for his doing everything he can to help her get elected — and continue to do his bidding after she’s in office. It may be the first time in history that the Devil made a deal with the Devil.

Read the whole article.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Patrick Foy takes a look at the Incident in Nice

Journalist Patrick Foy takes a look at the mayhem in Nice and puts two and two together, as he always does.

An important conclusion to be drawn from the terror attack in Nice, it seems to me, is that national leaders are incapable of protecting their fellow countrymen from such horrors perpetrated by isolated, deranged fanatics. That is hopeless. For starters, it would require, at the very least, a full-scale police state. If and when this stark realization sinks in, people in America and Western Europe will begin to ask their leaders, "How did we get ourselves into this mess?" So far, they don't have a clue. I have a simple answer, "It's the foreign policy, stupid." That is not what people want to hear.

On the one hand, I suppose it is easy to blame everything on history...we could start, perhaps, with the secret 1916 Sykes-Picot agreement between England and France in which they agreed to divide up the Middle East after destroying the Ottoman Empire. This presumption was followed by the even more pernicious Balfour Declaration of 1917, a unilateral declaration by the British War Cabinet. Its implementation by Colonial Secretary Winston Churchill immediately after the Great War created a series of ticking time bombs. These two circumstances--Sykes and Balfour--endorsed by Washington, unlocked a roller-coster and threw the key away. That's ancient history, but we are feeling the repercussions today. 

On the other hand, we have more recent follies to consider. Fast forward to 1990/91, not too long ago. Saddam Hussein decided to annex the fake-state of Kuwait, which had been set up by the British and detached from Iraq. H.W. Bush, sitting in the White House, decided that the United States had the right and obligation to stop it. One wonders why and from whence the American Republic derived such a right and prerogative. I am mystified by the very premise of it all. In the aftermath, Iraq was thrown out of Kuwait and is subjected to a murderous economic embargo, carried out by H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and G.W. Bush. 

Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis died as a result of these sanctions. Clearly this was an unstated "regime change" project, which after a decade of implementation, had gone horribly wrong and did not work. Since it did not work, Dick Cheney and his sidekick, G.W. Bush, concocted and hyped a phony scenario for Iraq, centered upon alleged weapons of mass destruction (WMD) that threatened the peace and stability of the world. All a tissue paper of implausible lies, which the Congress and Senate of the U.S. eagerly embraced, including such notables as Hillary "it was a mistake" Clinton and Joe "I am a Zionist" Biden. The hidden agenda and what motivated such tinpot politicians to authorize the invasion of Iraq I won't go into here, because it is a huge scandal. Suffice it to say that the gates of hell were opened, and ISIS has been the ultimate result. 

The deranged murderers in Paris, Nice, Istanbul, Orlando, Brussels and elsewhere--not to mention lower Manhattan and the Pentagon in 2001--all were motivated to kill innocent Americans and Europeans in response to American and European intervention in the Middle East. Is this alarming phenomenon Islamic terrorism? Not exactly. It is a combination of Arab nationalism backed up by religious fanaticism. These Sunni Muslims are not trying to convert us or take us over. In terror, they are seeking revenge for perceived injury, and they want to drive the West out of the Middle East. This naturally includes Israel, which they regard as another form of European colonialism, in a post colonial world, imposed upon the Palestinian Arabs by European and Russian Jews. You can't have refugees from a war in 1948 still sitting in refugee camps and locked up in the Gaza strip without causing resentment and blowback. We are getting the latter in spades. There is no end in sight.

Mr Foy's Website can be found here

Sunday, July 17, 2016

A little light amongst the storm clouds, from the Knights of Columbus in Aliquippa PA

Every once in awhile Our Lord gets a break from all the insults and opprobrium directed His way by the World and the Church:

May their efforts bring good fruit.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

The Church Groaned to find itself Francisian

I guess it is the swiftness with which the disorder and revolution in the Church is advancing that has struck not a few people, myself included.  Revolutions have slow beginnings usually and are rarely if ever spontaneous uprisings.  They are well-planned, and groundwork is carefully laid.  But at some point they enter a phase of sudden, spectacular advance, a stage which is now occurring in the Catholic Church.

The pontificate of Pope Francis is catapulting the revolution and disorder into an equivalent of supersonic speed, breathtaking, really, in the rapidity with which it is being accepted and institutionalized.  Two things seem to be at work in this Pope, an instability of mind and personality and a disgust with the Church's glorious past.  These two baneful facts will leave the Church in a state more devastated than before and are certainly the engines that are propelling this devastation.

The groundwork that has brought us to this point was laid in the mid-1800s.  It was at that time, a time of social chaos and political instability, that the "dark forces ', if you want to call them that, entered the Church by the back door.  The new theologians of the 19th century were beginning to get a hearing in Rome - slight, to be sure, but nonetheless heard by some.  These were the first crusaders of Modernism.  In the latter half of the 19th century they made great strides that, like a slow-acting poison, found their way into the Church's bloodstream.  It is no secret that a number of these Modernists had another allegiance, that to Freemasonry, and with that combination they proved to be a powerful enemy within.  It is also notable that many of these men had ties to American prelates across the sea and who shared many of their "pluralistic" views.  The Americanists, as Rome came to call them, would find themselves subject to the papal scrutiny of Leo XIII.  Historians bicker as to the responsibilities of the Popes during this period, but let it be said that a number of them did little to nothing to stop this infestation, for whatever reason.  That should be a reminder that "bad Popes" are not limited to the post-Conciliar era.

St Pius X, perhaps taking his cue from Pius IX who saw first-hand what these men were capable of, did finally act, with the help of Cardinal Merry del Valle and a somewhat "James Bondish" cleric known as Msgr Jouin, to try to eradicate this dangerous disease.  Alas, their efforts ultimately came to nothing.

The studied silence of Rome for so long on certain Marian interventions, the laxity Rome displayed as early as 1915 toward bizarre liturgical experimentation going on then, and its unwillingness to confront some basic realities, most spectacularly brought to the fore in the so-called "Boston Heresy Case" of the 1940s all combined to bring us the debacle of Vatican II and its hideous aftermath, where for all intents an purposes the Catholic Church as it had been known for twenty centuries is all but dead.

That is a strong statement.

Yes, we know the Gates of Hell will not prevail.  But that brings us to our present position, where we are staring at those Gates almost at close range, and to say that things are getting a little hot would be the ultimate understatement.

I had the unpleasant experience of having attended a typical Novus Ordo Mass recently.  If I needed convincing that Catholics have lost any connection they ever had with their magnificent past attending this ridiculous, infantile mess - not Mass, mess - would have done the trick nicely.  Since I have been writing about this in letters, articles and blog posts for nearly forty years now I needn't rehash all that here. I only mention it because whereas all the other post-Conciliar Popes had to say nice things about this decrepit Liturgy due to their positions as custodians of the Glorious Revolution of 1962-65 our current Pope prefers and extolls it. 

Well, enough of that.  All that can be added is that the recent Cardinal Sarah Incident proves that Francis and his handlers could care less about Christ and His Liturgy, preferring instead some kind of self-worshiping jamboree that would embarrass a six year old.  

The fast track to oblivion is in full swing thanks to all the incoherent ramblings of an unstable man and his proclamations, the most damaging of which is without question Amoris Laetitia, brilliantly dissected by Mr James Larson here and in the writings of others.  With that exhortation all Hell is about to break loose.  Indeed the results are already before us.  Francis has unleashed a runaway train.

Many have valiantly tried to get it through the Pope's head that he is leading the Church to schism, heresy and disaster.  His autocratic stubbornness has made their pleas, so far, fall upon deaf ears.  He is a child of the Society of Judas Jesus, of Teilhard, of de Lubac and Rahner and as such is not open to an Aquinas or a Chrysostum or certainly not an Athanasius.  As H Reed Armstrong recently noted in Christian Order:

" Pope Francis acknowledged his debt to Henri de Lubac in a recent interview with the progressive French journal La Vie (2 March 2016).(10

In the La Vie interview, the Holy Father also praised the French Philosopher Emmanuel Mounier, a disciple of both Teilhard and Friedrich Nietzsche.(11) At the same time, Francis singled out Fr. Michel de Certeau S.J. as the most eminent of all modern theologians. Fr. de Certeau is an avowed Freudian thinker and founder, along with Jacques Lacan, of the Ecole Freudienne de Paris in 1964.(12) Not only are the theories of Sigmund Freud essentially antithetical to Christian morals and Divine Revelation, Fr. de Certeau was also a vocal critic of Western Christian "cultural imperialism."(13)

Perhaps the most significant and proximate influence on the Holy Father was his late mentor and foremost promoter,Cardinal Carlo Martini, S.J.. An avowed enthusiast of Teilhard de Chardin (as stated in a 2007 Italian interview(14)), he twice championed Cardinal Bergoglio's bid for the papacy. It is Martini's view of the Church — "I recommend three very strong ones [changes]. The first is conversion: the church [sic] must recognise its errors and follow a radical path of change, beginning with the pope and the bishops" — that is now echoed in the papacy of Francis."

Anything is possible in the Church, even a Francis who could began to realize what he has done.  But because of those minds that have influenced Bergoglio I hold out no hope that he will see the misery he is causing.  That is in God's hands.

Things are moving faster now, to an end I know not where.  But that it is going to lead to the loss of countless souls I have no doubt whatever.  It is inconceivable that Our Lord has suffered so many insults for so long.  That His patience has worn thin is evidenced by the fact that we are being cursed with some or the worst Bishops in the history of the Church.

Pope Francis has said that he prefers a Church "that is bruised, wounded and dirty". With his deafening silence on moral issues, his winking at the Sex Pervert Crowd, his allergic reaction to anything that smacks of Christian piety, he has certainly created the Church he prefers.  

The Church is groaning and finding itself Francisian.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

A Soviet Re-Education Camp in Manhattan

From the New York Post (with thanks to  This would be hilarious if it wasn't so evil and demeaning.  This kind of increased insanity is one of the reasons why the Masters of Chaos will eventually lose.

An elite Manhattan school is teaching white students as young as 6 that they’re born racist and should feel guilty benefiting from “white privilege,” while heaping praise and cupcakes on their black peers.
Administrators at the Bank Street School for Children on the Upper West Side claim it’s a novel approach to fighting discrimination, and that several other private New York schools are doing it, but even liberal parents aren’t buying it.

Modal Trigger

They complain the K-8 school of 430 kids is separating whites in classes where they’re made to feel awful about their “whiteness,” and all the “kids of color” in other rooms where they’re taught to feel proud about their race and are rewarded with treats and other privileges.
“Ever since Ferguson, the school has been increasing anti-white propaganda in its curriculum,” said a parent who requested anonymity because he has children currently enrolled in the school.
Bank Street has created a “dedicated space” in the school for “kids of color,” where they’re “embraced” by minority instructors and encouraged to “voice their feelings” and “share experiences about being a kid of color,” according to school presentation slides obtained by The Post.
Meanwhile, white kids are herded into separate classrooms and taught to raise their “awareness of the prevalence of Whiteness and privilege,” challenge “notions of colorblindness (and) assumptions of ‘normal,’ ‘good,’ and ‘American’” and “understand and own European ancestry and see the tie to privilege.”

Read the whole article.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

George Soros has some plans for America on July 15th

Those who pay attention to the behind-the-scenes manipulators of chaos know full well that Jewish billionaire George Soros (among others) is paying people to cause disruptions and riots in America. He financed the Ferguson Terror for one thing, and has been behind so many others that I have lost count.

For non-believers I offer these:

But apparently we haven't seen anything yet.  According to this article the money will be flowing to many US cities, including my own, to hold a Day of Rage in three days.  The "rage" will be the usual contingent of low-IQ blacks and gullible young white know-nothings being egged on by high-IQ orchestrators.   To my everlasting joy one of the "protests" will be occurring about five minutes from my house.

The following article has the facts.

There’s a war in America right now.  Black vs. white. Citizen vs. police officer. Race grievances have become an industry, and business is booming.
The rage is boiling over across the nation. First, videos emerged that showed the graphic deaths of two black men at the hands of police, with what appears to be no reason.  Protests erupted over these deaths, and then they became violent as one man shot 11 police officers and 2 citizens at a rally in Dallas, Texas, killing 5. That sparked a war on law enforcement officers and a nationwide spree of violence against cops. Some people are even more extreme,declaring open season on white people in general.
But it’s about to get even worse.
Read the whole article here.

Monday, July 11, 2016

The Hate of Mr Love

From William Norman Grigg:

Dave Bundy was working at his home in Delta, Utah, when a caravan of at least 20 federal vehicles invaded his property last March. The vehicles decanted a platoon of FBI personnel, some of them clad in a battle dress and carrying assault weapons. In what must have been a disappointment to them, Bundy – who wasn’t armed – surrendered without offering the Feds a pretext to dispose of him as they had LaVoy Finicum a few weeks earlier.
Bundy had been indicted on federal conspiracy charges for his role in de-escalating the standoff between his family and the BLM in Bunkerville, Nevada in April 2014. At that time, too, Bundy had not been carrying a gun. He was armed only with his determination to prevent bloodshed as he conducted shuttle diplomacy between the Bundys and their supporters, on the one hand, and the Feds who had stolen the Bundy family’s cattle. His conduct earned the appreciation of then-Clark County Undersheriff Joseph Lombardo, who negotiated with him.
Several days earlier, Bundy had been beaten bloody by the BLM’s khaki-clad chekists while he was standing at the side of a road video-recording their confiscation of his father’s cattle. After suffering that criminal assault he was abducted by the BLM and detained for a night on a spurious charge of obstruction, which was dismissed the following day.
Dave Bundy’s role at Bunkerville was that of a peacemaker. He is now in jail awaiting trial on charges that could result in an 80-year prison term. Where Bundy is a peacemaker, Mike Love, the BLM Special Agent in Charge of the Bunkerville operation, is a bloody-handed psychopath whose appetite for escalation has made him notorious even among his comrades. His operation in Bunkerville was a humiliating failure – which is why the Regime, in utterly predictable fashion, has placed Love in charge of the BLM’s newly minted, nation-wide Security and Intelligence division.
This promotion is an unambiguous display of arrogant hostility toward residents of rural lands in the west – and toward sheriffs and other local officials in Utah and Nevada who have dealt with Love in recent years. Love’s Brownshirts have routinely ignored jurisdictional limits in southern Utah, detaining – which is to say, abducting – local citizens without probable cause, intimidating tourists, and harassing ranchers.
In 2012 the Utah state legislature enacted a measure forbidding BLM cadres from pretending to enforce state and local laws – a tactic often used to justify the agency’s abusive behavior – and imposing criminal penalties for “impersonating an officer” when BLM personnel exceeded their roles as defined in federal statutes. Love retaliated by cancelling BLM contracts with five counties that pay sheriffs for the privilege of patrolling land claimed by the Feds. This was a gratuitous gesture of unfiltered contempt: By the time the contracts were annulled, a federal judge had issued an injunction against the bill, prompting the legislature to repeal it.
Love’s federal supremacy uber alles mindset nearly precipitated a slaughter at Bunkerville, an outcome that would not have surprised former BLM official, Steve Martin. In late 2012, Martin was present at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Artesia, New Mexicowhen Love giddily outlined the rustling operation planned for Bunkerville. Martin later told the High Country News that Love’s plan was “missing a key ingredient: cooperation with the county sheriff.”
Then-Sheriff Doug Gillespie didn’t intervene in the matter until well into the standoff.  Love’s mismanagement of the affair and misreading of the tactical situation – at one point, he placed the armored mouth-breathers under his command in a “kill zone” – would have resulted in avoidable deaths were it not, in large measure, for the diplomatic efforts of Dave Bundy.
So, naturally, Bundy is now behind bars awaiting a trial at which Love will be a star prosecution witness. Love’s promotion will be used to fortify whatever credibility he might possess in the eyes of the jury. The Feds will be very careful to foreclose inquiries into Love’s background and employment history.

Read the whole article here.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

The Origins of Political Correctness

 A program from the 1990s, even more relevant now.

Part One:

Part Two

A good couple of programs which, good as they are, do avoid more controversial issues regarding the Frankfurt School.  For a more thorough examination of the problem we recommend the following:

Another point: Considering what we know now, the program's reliance on the opinions of David Horowitz reveals a weakness in the video which I would not doubt Mr Lind now realizes is the case. Horowitz is one of the great war mongers of our time and despite his attempts to distance himself from his Marxist past he is a neocon rabble-rouser and a supporter of the injustices going on now in the Holy Land.

When this program was made in the 1990s it was a time when all the Trotskyites like Horowitz came into the so-called Conservative Movement and misdirected it into supporting Middle East wars done at the behest of Israel and Saudi Arabia, but primarily Israel.  These neocons are now in complete control of both political parties in America.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Here is why the Moral Insanity under which we suffer cannot last

We found this article very interesting on many levels and it must be said that there is much food for thought therein.

The author does not mention Catholicism, either by choice or some other reason, as the pillar upon which any kind of civilization will be rebuilt, and that is the weakest element of an otherwise very fine piece of observation and deduction.  Perhaps he has noticed the weirdness that has been emanating from the Vatican and has lost faith in the Church as a stabilizing force.  At any rate what he presents in the article is a realistic view, based on historical precedent, of what may be coming to the libertines who are now fully enjoying the power of having the upper hand.  Their victories, such as they are, are Pyrrhic victories.  They will not have these victories for very long, as the writer of the following piece points out.

Had he delved into the religious dimension of the problem more fully his piece would have been exactly on the mark.  Still it is well worth reading for its insights.

So with that bit of disagreement put aside we encourage a close study of this fascinating piece, which begins as follows:

Social Liberalism Has No Long-Term Prospects

The title of this post may come as a bit of a shock to a lot of folks who have been observing events over the past few years.  How can I say that social liberalism – by which I largely mean the homosexualism, the transgenderism, the abortionism, the aggressive feminism, and the rest of the anti-human, anti-civilisation agenda of the culturally marxist Left – has no long-term prospects?  Haven’t they been sweeping all before them?  Haven’t they successfully imposed gay marriage on an unwilling population?  What about the success in forcing transgenderism onto the military, as well as society at large?  Despite the best efforts of the “religious Right,” isn’t abortion more entrenched as “the law of the land” now than it has ever been?

The answer to these questions is, “Yes – but it doesn’t matter.”
First things first, however.  The reason cultural, social liberalism has risen to the fore in recent years is because “conservatism” has been a complete, utter, embarrassing-to-even-be-associated-with-it failure.  It’s pathetic.  There’s no getting around it.  And the reason for this is because “conservatives” are weak-minded, weak-willed, and weak-kneed.  They have no stomach for conflict, and they break the first time someone lobs a PC-conflict epithet at them.  In short, conservatives conserve nothing because they’re wimps.  They spent too many decades playing the inside-the-beltway games, and they’ve become accustomed to enjoying the crumbs the progressives throw to them.  This is why all of these DC “conservatives” can find the “courage” to rally against Trump, but not once in seven years have they ever put up any sort of substantial fight against Obama, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, or anyone else on the progressive, SJW Left.  But sure, Ted Cruz and Mike Lee can get kudos from the National Review crowd for refusing to support their own party’s presumptive nominee, because he’s “racist” and wants to stop the Amnesty Express.
So, trusting in conservatives to “make things better” is a fool’s errand.
But back to the issue at hand.  We find ourselves facing a progressive SJW regime which appears to have almost total control of America’s government, as well as its academic, commercial, and social institutions (much the same could be said for other Western nations as well).  How can this not represent long-term prospects for social liberalism?
Here’s how.

Read the whole article.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Hildegard von Bingen: Spiritus Sanctus

 Solace is sometimes needed.  Especially now.


Saturday, July 2, 2016

Bits and Pieces

George Will has left the Republican Party, ostensibly because of Donald Trump.  We wish he would leave the country.

The Jewish press is still heaping calumny on Pope Pius XII, referring to him as "Hitler's Pope". Perhaps they might take a close look at Francis, who might accurately be described as Stalin's Pope.

Comedy Central:  Someone at Skidmore College wrote on a whiteboard Donald Trump's political slogan, "Make america Great Again" (though shouldn't it be "Make America Sane Again"?)  Because it was written on a WHITEboard, the College is deeming this a hate crime.  Will we all have to turn in our whiteboards now?

Murkiness still hangs over the whole episode of the Orlando shootings, and we really don't know yet the whole story, if we ever will.  But the media circus that followed seems to want to start a new movement, "Queer Lives Matter".

For four centuries the Lutheran church has been slowly dying until today it is only a tiny fraction of what it once was, with near-empty churches and very little influence.  Seeing this terrible situation, Pope Francis will ride to the rescue and do all he can to revive Lutheranism this October.

The two Most Notable and Wonderful Nations Fighting Terrorism, Israel and its assistant, the USA, are busily training new fighters to tear Syria apart and expel all the remaining Christians.  Israel is also sending in its medical personnel to take care of wounded ISIS creeps so that they can return to Syria and fight.  That'll get those ISIS terrorists!

Good casting:  If any theatre manager is contemplating a revival of Shakespeare's Macbeth, I recommend the personages illustrated below to portray the Three Witches:

Some creature who calls himself "Ludacris" will be performing for Navy personnel at Guantanamo Bay on July 4th.  We thought torture was outlawed.

George Soros has something in common with his 15th century ancestors.  Spanish Marranos were busy helping the Muslim hordes invade and occupy Spain, Portugal and elsewhere, until Queen Isabella put a cramp in their style.  Old George it seems is now trying to complete the work his co-religionists began back then.

The British said "NO!" to Old George, Goldman Sachs and the rest of that wretched crew when they voted to leave the EU.  We doubt very much the oligarchs will go quietly away and let the will of the British people prevail.  Some prayers for Our Lady's Dowry might be in order right now.

Pope Francis says that half of all marriages are invalid.  Caterers and meeting hall owners are delighted, believing that millions will now have to get remarried.  Perhaps Francis owns some catering companies??  Just asking.

Planned Parenthood has assured us that the undercover videos showing their barbarous (and illegal) actions are all lies.  Well, if you can't trust Planned Parenthood, who can you trust?

Perpetual adolescent Steven Spielberg is about to cast his gaze upon Pope Pius IX, who insisted a baptized Jew be brought up Catholic and is making one of his interminable movies about it.  Knowing Mr Spielberg's ham-fisted approach surely a group of Jewish violinists will be playing on the soundtrack every time the little boy is depicted, and ominous clanking bells will be heard every time the Pope is depicted.

The money-grubbing weirdos who now run the studio built by Walt Disney are becoming much more Poof-oriented.  That heat you feel being generated underground is being caused by Walt spinning in his grave.

Over 99 percent of all murders of Negroes in America are committed by other Negroes.  Haven't heard too much from the looters and loudmouths who usually take to the streets every time one of their own gets a deadly comeuppance from the cops.

Alert!!  Thousands of Russian tanks, hardware and soldiers are amassing on our border with Mexico, parading around and looking very menacing.  President Obama is issuing stern warnings to the Russians!  Ooops....sorry....I got that wrong.  It is US and NATO troops, missiles and hardware amassing on the countries abutting Russia.

How dare Russians locate their country so near to our military bases!

Like him or not, Donald Trump is most definitely the choice of those who voted in the primaries. That is why, of course, the Republicans are doing everything possible to elect Hitlery.

The new slogan of the Republican Elite: "Be a Good Republican.  Vote Hillary."

Freudian slip?  Either Karl Marx has been posthumously elevated to the Cardinalate or a not very far-fetched Freudian slip was put into print.

The economy-manipulating oligarchs warned the British that if they voted the wrong way over Brexit that the markets will plunge.  And they did.  A coincidence, surely.

Auschwitz Fatigue.  Even the Holocaust Industry is beginning to show cracks, so it must be shored up from time to time.

A nonentity great actor named Mark Rylance (who?) has been selected by The Great Spielberg to portray........

Another brilliant casting choice by Mr Spielberg

....Pope Pius IX?  We wonder if he will he remove his ear ring for the part.

Wretched Papacy.  Our esteemed Francis, spouting the party line begun by Reinhard Marx, has now said that the Church should apologize to the buggerers of adolescent boys.  What a terrific idea that is.  Undoubtedly an apology to those who practice bestiality cannot be far behind.

It is said one of the Pope's favorite books is "Lord of the World" by Benson.  Possibly Pope Felsenburg Francis is using it as a textbook.