Thursday, June 30, 2016

Gilad Atzmon on Brexit

The Jewish intellectual and musician, and iconoclast, has a perspective on Brexit that is worth reading.

Despite the Brexit referendum, Britain is not leaving the European Union in the foreseeable future. No one in Britain has expressed a desire to issue Article 50 and officially launch withdrawal from the EU. In addition to the complex questions regarding the legal effects of the referendum and the added complications posed by a possible Scottish secession, it has become clear that the people who led the leave campaign were astonished by their victory. They clearly do not know how to rid themselves of the spoils of their achievement. In fact, the Brexiters and pretty much everyone else in Britain are relieved by Cameron’s decision to buy Britain three months of calm. The assumption is that this will provide sufficient time for the entire nation to search google and find out what the term EU stands for.

It is apparent that the leading Tory Brexiters: Michael Gove, Liam Fox and Boris Johnson share the ambition to become the next British prime minister. However if you expect Gove or Fox to formulate a coherent EU exit strategy you are either optimistic or naive. These corrupted politicians who are among the most devoted servants of the foreign lobby CFI (Conservative Friends Of Israel), are oddly quiet about Brexit. They behave as if it never happened. It isn’t modesty that keeps them silent.

Read the whole article here.

Monday, June 27, 2016

A Pope who throws homosexuals into the pit of Hell

There is nothing we can say to the latest remarks by the Pope.  The world and the media are salivating with delight, good Catholics, good Christians everywhere, good non-Christians everywhere, are feeling helpless.  If the Church is Christ, then we are watching the Crucifixion again, now in real time.

A Pope of Rome condemns these sinners to Hell by not telling them the hard truth.

A Pope of Rome joins the crowd who shake their fists at God.

Who could ever have believed that the homosexual perversion would have run so deep in the Church and landed so near the very top.  Those who have recently claimed that Paul VI was himself committing this sin seem to have been vindicated.

Evil pours over the world like black slime and a Pope of Rome encourages it.

I personally needed a wake up call like this.  It is a time for us to avail ourselves of the Sacraments of Confession and Holy Communion, while we still can, to wash away our sins so that God will take pity on us and end this chastisement.  Every new papacy has been worse than the last.  John XXIII was a silly do-gooder in many ways.  Paul VI was ghastly.  John Paul II, who early on gave us hope, eventually followed the destructive Party Line right up to his death.  Benedict XVI, aside from one or two acts of Christian charity, was himself a carrier of the disease he often condemned.  And now this man.

I remember well the feelings of anxiety and portending doom that many if not most in the Church felt on those dark, final weeks of December 1969 when that ugly parody of the Mass was thrust upon us by a cruel hierarchy in Rome.  We felt the ground crumbling under our feet.  Some saw then how it would lead to the evil that we now swim in.   I doubt, though, that anyone at the time could have imagined a Church filled with the stench of sodomy as it so obviously is today.

The evil men in the Church are doing the work of the Fallen Angel and driving us to despair.  Hard as it is we must resist that.

We are surrounded.  We are Catholics.  Now we attack.

But while we fight we pray that God grants us His mercy and removes this man, hopefully by conversion, before he scandalizes Christ's little ones any further.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Preparing the Denial of Trent

[Editor's Note:  It should hardly surprise those who are playing close attention to these matters that the Modernists who now rule the roost in the Vatican have for over a century been undermining the Council of Trent.  But, of course, they have to you see.  It is by destroying Trent that their Modernist vision for the Church will finally succeed.

And so what we will see this coming October in Lund may be the final nail in the coffin that will bury that great Council, the Council that still haunts the minds of the Church's enemies, and the Council that must be replaced, totally and finally, by their Council, the Council of Vatican II.

We here present Mr James Larson's analysis of what is about to hit us.  We recommend its careful study.]

Slouching Towards Lund to Be Conceived
by James Larson

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.…
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
(from The Second Coming, W. B. Yeats, 1919)

Some might consider it inappropriate in an article such as this to quote Yeats, who was a Gnostic (Theosophy and Rosicrucianism). Sometimes, however, a pagan may indeed be prophetic and, if he is an artist, truly poignant. Yeats believed that at the end of the “gyre” (an historical period of about 2,000 years) following the life of Christ, the spiritual anarchy described in the above passage would descend upon us. We are now there. As an extension of the extraordinarily powerful imagery in the above poem, I would ask the reader to consider the possibility that the already conceived, but not yet born, spirit of Antichrist will pass through Lund, Sweden in October of 2016, and here will receive that form which is to be nourished until the Son of Perdition (2Thess 2:3) makes his appearance upon the world stage.
Ever since the rise of intense ecumenical activity after Vatican Council II, a special emphasis has been placed on Catholic-Lutheran relations. It was of course Luther who began the revolt by which half of Europe was lost to the Catholic Faith. Catholic civilization has been in catastrophic decline ever since. Within Lutheran philosophy and theology lie all the principles of this plunge into what is now being predicted by many as “the death of Christianity”.

It didn't start with Francis.  Benedict XVI meets Lutheran big-wig, Nikolaus Schneider

In my recent article titled The Dream of Nabuchodonosor, I examined the errors and deceptions regarding the doctrine of Justification to be found in the 2013 document titled From Conflict to Communion (the culmination of 50 years of ecumenical dialogue between the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and the Lutheran World Federation). It was, of course, Luther’s perverse concept of Justification which always has been the primary source of contention between Catholic and Lutheran theology; and there could never be any hope for any “reunion” (except genuine conversion on the part of Lutherans), unless a false agreement about this doctrine should first be declared. This was first accomplished through the issuance of the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification in 1999, and then basically repeated in From Conflict to Communion. It is this latter document which will form the foundation for what will occur in Lund this coming October.
It is one thing, however, for bishops and theologians to spin their lies in documents. It is altogether another thing to establish a unity of hearts in practice and worship. After all, a very small percentage of the laity every read such documents. Somehow these lies must be incarnated in pastoral practice. It is not therefore an accident that the document which will be the foundation of the Common Prayer and celebration in Lund is titled From Conflict to Communion. It is almost certain that the eventual goal of this event will be the recognition of the right of Lutherans to receive Our Lord in Holy Communion in Catholic churches. It is then Inter-communion which will act as the river of darkness enabling these lies to penetrate the minds and hearts of the Catholic faithful.
I must also mention the role that Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia has played in eventually eliminating barriers to Inter-communion. The Catholic concept of Charity and Sanctifying Grace, which has been the traditional defense against such sacrilege, is therein heretically falsified and denied. This is examined in a four-part series of articles on my website. As I point out, it would seem very telling that the “”Celebration” in Lund is to follow close upon the heels of the issuance of Amoris Laetitia.

Francis with some babe pretending to be a cleric

However, inter-communion between Lutherans and Catholics also necessitates the “solution” of very serious, specific doctrinal differences in regard to the Eucharist and the Mass. In its hunger for false unity, From Conflict to Communion proves itself again up to the task of deceitfully falsifying Catholic doctrine in this regard. There are 22 paragraphs in this document which deal directly with the Eucharist and the Mass.
As is the case with the Catholic Church’s doctrine of Justification, the great bulwark protecting Catholic doctrine concerning the Eucharist is the Council of Trent. And just as From Conflict to Communion undermines and contradicts Trent in regard to the doctrine concerning Justification, so it does the same in regard to the doctrines of Transubstantiation and the nature of the Eucharistic Sacrifice.

The Council of Trent

After stating that Luther’s notion of the presence of Christ in the Eucharist was that He was present “in, with, and under” the bread and wine (Consubstantiation), which “is analogous to the union of the divine and human natures in Christ”, From Conflict to Communion then proceeds to undermine Trent’s teaching with the following:
“Although the Council of Trent admitted that we can hardly express with words the manner of his presence and distinguished the doctrine of the conversion of elements from its technical explanation, it however declared, ‘the holy Catholic Church has suitably and properly called this change transubstantiation’. This concept seemed, in the Catholic view, to be the best guarantee for maintaining the real presence of Jesus Christ in the species of bread and wine and for assuring that the full reality of Jesus Christ is present in each of the species.”
Notice the verbs that are here applied to the Church’s infallible teaching: “admitted” and “seemed”. It is as though in defining the Eucharistic change as transubstantiation at the Council of Trent, we must now view the Church as having been a tremulous young lady who was not at all sure of what she was doing. Quite to the contrary, Trent was completely bold, masculine, and assured in proclaiming the following:
“If anyone saith that, in the sacred and holy Sacrament of the Eucharist, the substance of the bread and wine remains conjointly with the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, and denieth that wonderful and singular conversion of the whole substance of the bread into the Body, and of the whole substance of the wine into the Blood – the species only of the bread and wine remaining – which conversion indeed the Catholic Church most aptly calls transubstantiation; let him be anathema.”
This is not an “admission” of something which might “seem” to be true, but rather a bold proclamation of absolute Truth itself. It is a direct condemnation of Luther’s teaching, and a condemnation and excommunication of anyone who denies the Church’s teaching concerning transubstantiation.
What is more, it is profoundly deceptive to state, as does From Conflict to Communion, that Trent “distinguished the doctrine of the conversion of elements from its technical explanation”, implying therein that Trent somehow “admitted” that the Eucharistic conversion was a total mystery possessing no elements corresponding to human categories of thought and expression. While fully respecting the fact that, as Trent itself declares, Our Lord is in the Eucharist “by a manner of existing…we can scarcely express it in words”, it yet does indeed offer a quite technical and simple explanation of the metaphysical manner in which this conversion takes place. And it is this explanation – this doctrine of Transubstantiation – that Trent declares binding on the minds and hearts of all Catholics.
However, the “arts entirely new” which From Conflict to Communion spins around the Catholic doctrine of Transubstantiation, in its attempts to whittle away at the insurmountable distances between Catholic and Lutheran doctrine, are almost “innocent” when compared with the deception practiced in it treatment of the Eucharist as Sacrifice.

Read the rest here.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Provoking Russia and Other Great USA Ideas

From Pat Buchanan:

Some 50 State Department officials have signed a memo calling on President Obama to launch air and missile strikes on the Damascus regime of Bashar Assad.
A “judicious use of stand-off and air weapons,” they claim, “would undergird and drive a more focused and hard-nosed U.S.-led diplomatic process.”
In brief, to strengthen the hand of our diplomats and show we mean business, we should start bombing and killing Syrian soldiers.
Yet Syria has not attacked us. And Congress has not declared war on Syria, or authorized an attack. Where do these State hawks think President Obama gets the authority to launch a war on Syria?
Does State consider the Constitution to be purely advisory when it grants Congress the sole power to declare war? Was not waging aggressive war the principal charge against the Nazis at Nuremberg?
If U.S. bombs and missiles rain down on Damascus, to the cheers of the C-Street Pattons, what do we do if Bashar Assad’s allies Iran and Hezbollah retaliate with Benghazi-type attacks on U.S. diplomats across the Middle East?
What do we do if Syrian missiles and Russian planes starting shooting down U.S. planes?
Go to war with Hezbollah, Iran, and Russia?
Assume U.S. strikes break Syria’s regime and Assad falls and flees. Who fills the power vacuum in Damascus, if not the most ruthless of the terrorist forces in that country, al-Nusra, and ISIS?
Should ISIS reach Damascus first, and a slaughter of Alawites and Christians ensue, would we send an American army to save them?
According to CIA Director John Brennan, ISIS is spreading and coming to Europe and America. Does it make sense then that we would launch air and missile strikes against a Syrian regime and army that is today the last line of defense between ISIS and Damascus?
Does anyone think these things through?
Wherever, across the Middle East, we have plunged into wage war — Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Syria — people continue to suffer and die, and we are ensnared.
Have we not fought enough wars in this Godforsaken region?
Last week, Russian planes launched air strikes on the rebels in Syria whom we have been arming and training to overthrow Assad.
Said John Kerry, “Russia needs to understand that our patience is not infinite.” But why are we arming rebels to overthrow Assad?

Read the rest here.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Rome's Doctrinal Midgets are about to "Correct" the Council of Trent

The doctrinal second-raters and nincompoops who now comprise far too many high positions in the Church, combined with a Pope, whose grasp of the history, tradition and doctrinal clarity of 2,000 years of Catholicism is rather scant to say the least, are busy laying the groundwork for the next bout of scandalizing Christ's little ones which will culminate in Pope Francis' October jamboree in Lund, Sweden.  It is there that we will learn that Lutheranism and Catholicism are basically the same and that quaint notions about conversion will be studiously ignored by solemn-faced Catholic Bishops, the new Divine Oracles who will finally put to rest such troublesome events as Trent.

Only a Catholic Church completely in the throes of insanity (or diabolic disorientation, to coin a phrase) would come up with an idea that will find expression in Sweden this Autumn.  Only a Pope of the Catholic Church who thinks nothing of castigating Catholics for "breeding like rabbits" would be willing to march into Lund to celebrate the destruction of Christendom, the unleashing of untold misery upon men and nations and the loss of millions of souls.

The small minds who think, speak and act in our troubled Church today have the effrontery, the sheer gall, to try to correct the Greatest Council of the past five hundred years.  If ever there was a definition of supreme arrogance that would be it.

What is coming in October is going to be terrible; its consequences could be with us for decades, perhaps a century or more.  Many writrers and clergy are holding their fire, waiting to see what the Pope will say to the Lutherans before commenting.  I believe we have enough of an idea now how the mind of Francis works to have a firm idea of what will be crashing down upon us.  That being said I believe Catholics of all kinds - religious or lay - should be proactive and indeed preemptive in denouncing clearly what, based on Francis' past performance, will surely be a debacle of unimaginable severity.

With that in mind we at The Eye-Witness will be alerting our readers to a new article examining the October Horror, well on its way.  The article will look more closely into the ramifications of the Pope's Lund visit and how the Council of Trent is to be undermined in order to pave the way for a public acceptance of it.  It will appear in these pages within the next few days.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Coming Soon to a Ladies Room near you

Courtesy Mass Resistance

And how should we respond to this madness?

One way might be this:

Thursday, June 16, 2016

If he looks like a homosexual, talks like a homosexual and acts like a homosexual.....

....then my educated guess would be that he is a homosexual.

In addition to these other proclivities of Mr Lynch he appears to have a rather "challenged" view of life, death and adultery.  The family of Terri Schiavo offers their thoughts upon the retirement of this third-rate Bishop:

Bishop Robert N. Lynch, of the Catholic Diocese of St. Petersburg in Florida, is retiring. The Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network takes this time to reflect on Bishop Lynch's legacy as it relates to Terri Schiavo, unarguably the most internationally recognized person to have lived under his protection and perhaps the most morally significant cultural "teaching moment" during his tenure at the Diocese of St. Petersburg.

Bobby Schindler, brother of Terri Schiavo and president of the Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network, reflected: "As a Catholic myself, any criticism I offer of Bishop Lynch is rooted in my love for, and obedience to, the role of any bishop in shepherding the faithful. That being said, Bishop Lynch has been a poor moral leader who has confused and misled the people of his diocese about my sister and the meaning and consequences of her state-sanctioned death. The worst thing that can happen when you've got your hand out for help is for someone to spit in it. In my family's experience, Bishop Lynch was like the man spitting in the hand of a person in need."

Read the rest here.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Matriot or Patriot?

An interesting article, from a slightly Left-wing point of view, but well worth reading.  Especially after most of our bought-and-paid-for Senators just passed a bill requiring women to register for the Draft.  Be sure to write your Senators to thank them for bringing America that much closer to total barbarism.

This month we’ve seen a strange confluence of developments, anniversaries, and events bringing the subject of “women and war” to the editorial pages of national newspapers and to the fore of the public consciousness. Last week, the US Senate Armed Services Committee included a Selective Service registration requirement for women in its version of the NDAA, making it likely that after a century of pursing freedom and equality—oftentimes in terms of a right to ownership over one’s own body—women might finally have an equal shot at indentured servitude. At Scripps College in Claremont, California, some students and facultyprotested the choice of Madeleine Albright, first female Secretary of State, as their commencement speaker.  This is all happening against the backdrop of Hillary Clinton’s second presidential run and the media hype surrounding the possibility of electing “our” first female president and thus “our” first female Commander-in-Chief. Earlier this month, Camille Paglia caused quite a stir when she wrote over at Salon that Clinton has “skimmed along in her bouncing gender bubble, virtually untouched…Far from Hillary…having a harder time as a woman candidate, she has been habitually shielded by her gender.” For writing that, Madeleine Albright would surely condemn Paglia to that “special place in hell” reserved for women who do not help each other!
And speaking of heaven and hell, this past Friday (May 13) was the 100th anniversary of the apparition of the Virgin Mary to three shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal, during World War I (if you count the apparition in 1917 as the first). Our Lady of Fatima said: “Do not be afraid. I will not harm you…I am from heaven….pray the rosary every day to obtain peace for the world and the end of the war.” Americans celebrate Mother’s Day in May, but for Catholics this takes on double significance, as the whole month of May is considered the month of Mary, our Divine Mother. Since 1999, May has also been designated Military Appreciation Month. By looking more closely at the Scripps College protests, I hope to show how all of these things are related, and to remind readers, especially female readers, that we are, in the words of Catholic monk Thomas Merton,“living in a time of ultimate decision.”

Read the whole article here.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Cardinal Canizares Promptly Shoots Himself in the Foot

His Eminence Antonion Canizares of Seville, Spain is under fire for making some common sense statements about the sexual insanity that is engulfing the world like a backed-up toilet.  For making these sensible remarks he is, of course, being denounced and may possibly face one of the myriad "hate crime" laws pushed through legislatures by the historic enemies of Catholicism.

Thus far the Cardinal has not backed down but he is asking legal scholars to review his words to see if his enemies have any grounds to bring suit.

But after this brave, indeed wonderful stand taken by Canizares he proceeds to undo all the good he has done by comparing his government persecutors to...General Franco.

Here is where the rubber meets the road.  Here is a classic example of what happens when a Churchman is either very badly educated or, worse, is simply the usual Modernist who now finds himself in hot water because even he has had enough of the orchestrated lunacy.  He falls back on the myth of the "repressive" Franco, a real hero of Spain who, yes, was authoritarian but never despotic.  Yet His Eminence plays to the rabble by dredging up the dishonest cliches about this good man... for what?  To appease his critics? (They will never be appeased.)  To sound like a reasonable moderate?  (So-called moderates are rarely reasonable.) To call off the rabid attack dogs?  (It won't work.)  To stop the media lynching in the Judeo-Masonic Press? (It is to laugh.) Why then?

Is this old man of Spain so forgetful of the past of his great nation that he would stoop to a tired calumny against Francisco Franco?  Has he forgotten the Spanish Civil War?  Is he unaware of the Forces who have been trying to destroy Spain since Isabella was Queen?  With all the terrible, merciless villains out there who have brought misery and death to Catholics and persecutions against the Church the Cardinal  pours out his venom on Franco? The Cardinal has made an error here which not only undermines his own position but the position of the Catholic Church in Spain. Here was a moment when he could have educated his people, taught them anew what was at stake in those terrible earlier years.  But he failed to do this either through ignorance of history or his commitment to terrible Vatican II documents like Gaudiam et Spes and Dignitatis Humanae, the documents that all but destroyed the Church's moral authority over men and nations.

If Catholics and Spaniards had reflected more on what Franco bequeathed to them and made sure that, after his death, an equally dedicated man became their leader, it would be the Church's and Spain's enemies that would be facing criminal charges now instead of the other way around.  The prissy, nice little Catholics who joined the anti-Franco circus are now facing the revenge of the very men Franco tried to stop from destroying his country.  One wonders if they still don't see the clear picture.

This is what happens when Churchmen cling to their bad ideas.  And the worse it gets in the world the more they cling to the sinking ships of Vatican II.  If His Eminence would look to the pre-1962 Church he will find the answers not only to his own predicament but the predicament that faces Holy Church and the world.

But he probably wont.  Men like him will never let go of their fantasies.

Until they are rotting in prison cells.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Desperately Seeking Catholicism

This excellent article by Miss Laura Evans appeared in a recent issue of Culture Wars.  When I read it I was reminded of a remark made by a noted Catholic convert in an issue of the late Hamish Fraser's famous periodical, Approaches.  Noting the state of Catholicism then (the early 1980s) and the Church's near total disregard for the salvation of souls as exemplified by its priests and its lousy catechisms, the noted convert wrote ruefully, "If they had been using whips and chains they could not possibly have done a better job of keeping people out of the Church."

Miss Evans:

A year into my interminable journey to try to become a Catholic, I had this nightmare: I am trapped on the roof of a high rise building. Several people are stuck there with me. They are being rescued one by one until I am all alone. My terror grows as day turns into night. With no help in sight, I decide to take matters into my own hands.
My only hope is to climb down the side of the building. It is a treacherous descent, but somehow I make it to the bottom. I see the people who could have saved me. I walk over to them and, with tears in my eyes, ask plaintively, “Why didn’t you come to rescue me?” They look at me blank faced, with no answer. I wake up from the dream sobbing.
I desperately wanted to become a Catholic until I tried to join the Catholic Church. There I found endless bureaucracy and red tape that would make a day at the Department of Motor Vehicles look like a walk in the park. Rather than the enthusiastic support I encountered at Protestant churches, in Catholicism, I found a sluggishness that paid little heed to Christ’s proclamation that we swiftly make disciples of all nations.
In evangelical Protestantism, where I unexpectedly found myself in my early 50s, people would move heaven and earth to help me and others become “born again.”  It didn’t matter if the church were closing for the day or if the hungry churchgoers were hankering for bacon and eggs.  When a lost soul wanders into a church, business as usual comes to a screeching halt. If the building caught on fire, Protestants would still be evangelizing, despite the firefighters and flames. But Catholics? I found a starkly different universe, one in which rigid rules prevailed (even those that appeared to violate Canon Law) and receiving people into the Church seemed to be at the bottom of most people’s to-do list.
How did I even get into this strange, new world, me being the least likely person on the planet to want to become Catholic?  My story begins in late 2009, when, after a lifetime of Jewish/Buddhist/paganism, I somehow felt moved to go to church. When people ask me why I became one of the rare Jews who converted to Christianity, I always say the same thing, “God only knows.” I haven’t the slightest idea why; it’s all God working inside of me.
Like many Jews, I absorbed since infancy an aversion towards Christianity.  I didn’t have any Christian friends; I detested Christmas; and I’d never been to a church in my life.  But somehow, for reasons only known to Him, God planted a deep hunger in my heart a few years ago to know Him and to do so in a Christian church.
I started out in Protestantism, where I remained for several years. This was a lucky move.  Had I encountered the same roadblocks I later found in the Catholic world, I might never have become a Christian.
In Protestantism, I met friendly Presbyterians and welcoming Lutherans. I was particularly intrigued by the evangelicals and Pentecostals, who warmly invited me into their flock and spent hours teaching me information that I didn’t know, such as, who was Jesus Christ? What did a Bible look like and what did it say? I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior in early 2010, was baptized at a Bible-believing church a few months later, and never looked back.
But as wonderful as it all was, I felt a restlessness and hunger inside for something more, though I didn’t know what it was. Although I was having lots of good experiences at church, my relationship with Jesus wasn’t growing. And I wasn’t changing deep inside, as much as I was trying.
I searched for this ephemeral thing from one Protestant church to church, from the Baptists to the Pentecostals, until, one day out of the blue in late November 2013 (it turned out to be the first day of Advent), the thought suddenly appeared in my brain that maybe I should become a Catholic. This was a novel idea, one that I had never before considered, perhaps because nondenominational Protestants are so openly hostile to the Catholic Church.
It happened when I was reading the chapter on Martin Luther in a book by Mike Jones, Degenerate Moderns.  When Jones described Martin Luther’s womanizing and boozing and his terrible manipulation of nuns and priests, a light went on in my head. Protestantism comes from the word, “protest” — I hadn’t put the two together before.
I didn’t like one bit the idea of being part of some radical, insurrectionary movement. Having by then rejected my own rebellious youth, I realized with horror that I had somehow found my way into yet another revolutionary movement — Protestantism. I resolved to start attending Catholic Masses and to learn as much as I could about Catholicism.
What I found made me want to run for my life as fast as I could back to the Protestants. I discovered Catholics who didn’t know much about the basic religious doctrines of the Church, and others who openly defied the moral teachings. I heard strange new terms, such as “cafeteria Catholics.” I discovered a multitude of people who didn’t read the Bible and who practiced indifferentism. I can’t tell you how many times people told me that I didn’t need to become a Catholic because being a baptized Protestant (or a Jew) was good enough.  In short, I encountered today’s Catholic Church.
Despite my shock at the state of the Church, I started doing intensive research on the theology of Catholicism, which clarified and corrected many doctrines that concerned me in Protestantism. I also researched why the Catholic Church had become so disorderly and chaotic, that is, about the infiltration by many nefarious forces.  But even more importantly, I became enchanted by the Mass and the Blessed Sacrament, which moved me to tears more than once. My relationship with Jesus grew by leaps and bounds, and I started making needed changes in my behavior. I had found what I was searching for all along, and it was Jesus in His one true Church, the Catholic one.
But after I had made my decision to join the Church, I came upon the biggest shock of all: that it would be a Herculean task to be allowed into the place.  And what was the biggest hurdle standing in the way of me and eternity?  The bane of my existence and so many others. I encountered RCIA.
Read the whole article here.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

The Great Odd Has Spoken

No, dear world, not every utterance out of the Pope's mouth is infallible.  Which should be obvious by now.

With thanks to

Saturday, June 4, 2016

AMORIS LAETITIA - Part Four: The War Against Being

Those who have been following here Mr James Larson's analysis of Pope Francis' recent exhortation will want to read Part Four of this important study.  If you have not had a chance to read the first three parts you can access them at Mr Larson's website here:

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

In examining the ramifications of this disastrous document the author worries, and I believe he is correct, that beleaguered Catholics, swimming in the mouth fog emanating from the Vatican, are not sufficiently appreciating the dangers of this exhortation, as they just go from one scandal to the next without reflecting upon what has just been done to the Faith by this troublesome exhortation..

It is especially important that in our interactions with Bishops and clergy we have a clear idea of what we are talking about and, as Larson says, "to truly stand up against it"...which is why I urge readers to give a careful read to all four parts of this analysis.  The author has stated, and again I agree, that this issue goes straight to the Catholic "heart" more than any other.

Let us therefore be like the proverbial pit bull that latches on to someone's arn or leg and will not let it go.  We must latch on to the extreme danger of Amoris Laetitia by constantly pointing out its absurdities and even heresies, and not let go of it for any reason.

Amoris Laetitia; Part IV
The War Against Being

Giotto: The Marriage of the Virgin, 1304

God manifests himself in historical revelation, in history. Time initiates processes, and space crystallizes them. God is in history, in the processes. We must initiate processes, rather than occupy spaces.” (Pope Francis: Interview with Antonio Spadaro, Aug, 2013)
What might be called the “theological agenda” of Amoris Laetitia is succinctly formulated very early in this document. In paragraph 3, we encounter the following:
Since “time is greater than space,” [bold emphasis mine, quotation marks are Francis’] I would make it clear that not all discussions of doctrinal, moral, or pastoral issues need to be settled by interventions of the magisterium. Unity of teaching and practice is certainly necessary in the Church, but this does not preclude various ways of interpreting some aspects of that teaching or drawing certain consequences from it. This will always be the case as the Spirit guides us towards the entire truth (cf. Jn 16:13), until he leads us fully into the mystery of Christ and enables us to see all things as he does. Each country or region, moreover, can seek solutions better suited to its culture and sensitive to its traditions and local needs. For “cultures are in fact quite diverse and every general principle…needs to be inculterated, if it is to be respected and applied.”
Now, any honest assessment of this paragraph should produce profound bewilderment. The subjects we are dealing with in Amoris Laetitia– marriage, family, the impossibility of divorce and remarriage, and the prescription against those living in adultery receiving the Eucharist – all these subjects are doctrinal “places” which are not subject to evolution, change, growth, or inculteration. Further, there can be no unity of teaching and practice where these doctrines are violated. And finally, if questions regarding such doctrines need not now to be “settled by intervention of the magisterium”, it is only because they have been settled by the magisterium and by the Gospel from its inception. In other words, every sentence in paragraph 3 is redolent with error and deception.
We do indeed have not only the right, but also the obligation, to reject this concept that “time is greater than space” in regard to anything to do with Catholic truth. And we should be left with a very disturbing question as to exactly what Francis is trying to do with this strange notion that “time is greater than space”.
Amoris Laetitia is not the first time that Francis has used this phrase or concept. Those who read Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium may have been puzzled that in fact an entire subsection of this document was titled “Time is Greater than Space”. There we read:
A constant tension exists between fullness and limitation. Fullness evokes the desire for complete possession, while limitation is a wall set before us. Broadly speaking, “time” has to do with fullness as an expression of the horizon which constantly opens before us, while each individual moment has to do with limitation as an expression of enclosure. People live poised between each individual moment and the greater, brighter horizon of the utopian future as the final cause which draws us to itself. Here we see a first principle for progress in building a people: time is greater than space.”
In commenting on this passage in my article Receiving the Kingdom of God as a Little Child, I wrote:
Neither shall they say: Behold here, or behold there. For lo, the kingdom of God is within you.” (Luke 17:21)
It has nothing to do with a utopian future, but with the “now” of our response to God’s grace and truth:
And we helping do exhort you, that you receive not the grace of God in vain….Behold, now is the acceptable time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” (2 Cor 6:1-2).
It is this now which has been the crucial and saving moment for each individual soul from the creation of Adam down to the last man. It is thisnow which has been the source of all that is good in human history; for it is here that God’s Rule is either accepted or rejected, this in turn determining whether true love, peace, justice, compassion, and mercy are either accepted or rejected in societies and nations.
Pope Francis indeed seems to make “time” the very source of revelation and salvation. In his interview with Anthony Spadaro, he said the following:

Read the whole of Part Four Here.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Rod Pead Takes a Look at the New Delusions

From the Christian Order website:

There was a fleeting moment, not so very long ago, when we thought feminist agitation for women priests was about as crazy as it got — and would ever get. Christ the Transgendered Priest seemed to be the final word in absurdity. Indeed, in 1985, when he published his classic Women Priests and Other Fantasies, perhaps Father Vincent Miceli himself was beginning to wonder if we had reached the outer edge of the lunatic liberal spectrum.

Wrapped in a fabulous dust cover of an apple-brandishing Satan enticing a 20th-century daughter of Eve, his collection of essays on the state of the Church and the world was comprehensive, powerful, and prophetic. Not least apropos the violent societal ramifications of atheism and sodomy, about which he had long forewarned in graphic terms. A scholar for whom the signs of the times ticked all the scriptural boxes on the rise of Antichrist, nothing the Western bacchanal has vomited up since his death in 1991 would have wholly surprised him.

After all, sodomitic 'marriage,' designer-babies for sodomites and lesbians, the transformation of kindergartens into homo recruitment hubs, encouraging children to surgically swap their gender (if so inclined, without parental consent, at government expense, as in Oregon), forcing infants and teens to share toilets and change-rooms with 'transgender' classmates (as in California).... all these hellish developments are mere symptoms of the deep sickness in the soul of post-modern man. Fr Miceli described it as "a demonic reality similar to a hydra-headed serpent... a persistent, ever-increasing plague with many sources and causes: [above all] hatred of God's created order, and a refusal to serve Him."

The only constant in this rapid regression from bad to infinitely worse in the sociological blink of an eye, is the Luciferian bottom line he identified. In other words, the "demonic realities" we face today are simply deeper and darker symptoms of"Non serviam!"

Fomented since Adam by the whispering serpents of every age (the pagans, the heretics, the Lodge, the State, the media...), the reverberating echoes of this primal revolt trigger, always and everywhere: theological novelties, philosophical delusions, and, in consequence, the doctrinal and moral corruption that ushers in socio-political depravity.

During Fr Miceli's final years, the ontological inversion of the priesthood, by the witchy priestess crew and their ecclesiastical backers, was the pagan nadir du jour. Yet just as it momentarily stole the Pill's thunder against nature, the fantasy of double X-chromosome clerics gave way, in turn, to the present devilish constructs; the iron logic of atheism leading us to ever lower circles of Hell.
The War Against Being

For all his insight and foresight, however, even the great American Jesuit might have raised an eyebrow or two at our present pass. Not over the depths we have plumbed since the priestess push (for he knew we were, and remain, far from rock-bottom). Rather, over the lightning speed of the descent. The 'transgender'/'sex reassignment' blitzkrieg, for instance — a sudden vertiginous drop to unspeakable of levels of mass delusion.

On cue, The Danish Girl, Hollywood's latest "extraordinary true story" pushing vice as virtue, is about one of the first 'transgender surgeries' (in 1930). "This is not my body. I have to let it go," says the husband. "Fact is, I believe that I'm a woman." "So do I," replies the wife, elevating mental illness to an epiphany.

How quickly such risible exchanges have moved from Monty Python TV sketches where they belong, to big screen offerings that require patrons to check their funny bones in the PC cloak room — for fear of puncturing the solemn nonsense with peals of laughter, and sporting forever thereafter the white hot brands of 'bigotry' and 'intolerance.'

Yet social exclusion for puncturing PC balloons is the very least we must suffer to protect the innocent, who, as ever, are the primary targets of this unhinged social engineering. Already far advanced, its impact is paraded at every turn.

"Even mainstream entertainment channels such as TLC, widely watched by teenagers, have jumped on the transgender bandwagon," notes Daily Mail columnist Sarah Vine [19/12/15]. Her 12-year-old daughter assures her: "'Transgender' is really trending right now, Mummy. You should watch I Am Jazz on TLC - everyone's really into it'." It turns out, says Vine, that "I Am Jazz is a transgender reality TV show about a 15-year-old American boy growing up as girl. ... Under close medical supervision, Jazz is undergoing therapy to block her male hormones.... At the same time, she takes oestrogen to help her body look more feminine." Worst of all, yet per usual, "Her parents, who seem like nice, ordinary middle-class people, are fully behind her." 

This is the pattern established ever since the corporate-likes of Planned Parenthood, seeking to create a market for contraception and back-up abortion-on-demand, successfully lobbied the educational establishment for explicit classroom sex-ed. Authority figures at every level of society continue to lead this corruption of children.

The Sun recently featured a front page photo of two six-year old cousinsone of whom, we are told, has morphed from "Max" to "Mia." Doubtless the little mite will soon be shot full of hormones to 'turn him into' something he is not. Like "Jazz," betrayed in the first instance by his sadly misled and complicit parents, Max doesn't stand a chance of a normal life in a country whose public authorities, under a supposed conservative government, push a 'diversity' agenda that includes asking children to define their own gender. Damian Thompson has reported on this official lunacy:

Try to imagine a world populated by teenagers who are neither boys nor girls but have three genders at once: they are male, female and androgynous, making them 'tri-gender'.

Other young people are known as ‘demi-boys’ and 'demi-girls'. Some drift between genders in a variety of ways. Some are 'bi-gender'; still more are 'trans-girls' and 'trans-boys', while yet another tribe identify themselves as 'gender fluid'.

This sounds like the stuff of science fiction. In fact, every term I’ve just used comes from a questionnaire that the British Government planned to submit to children aged 13 to 18 as part of a research project sponsored by the Department of Education via the £2.9 million-a-year office of the Children’s Commissioner for England. [Daily Telegraph, 29/1/16]

The questionnaire also asks children whether they feel safe using single-sex toilets, or would prefer unisex ones.

In our wildest imagination we'd be hard-pressed to make up any of this. But we don't need to. It's all unfolding before our very eyes. Thompson continued: 

A spokesman said it [the questionnaire] was a draft, that the Commissioner had not cleared it and that a new version will be prepared with some of the questions withdrawn.

Too late. Some schools have already received the questionnaire, and details of the planned research project have been published by the feminist academics from Brighton, Lancaster and Cardiff universities who have been working on it with University College London’s Institute of Education since May last year.

Nearly every sentence of the documents in which those academics stress the importance of this research is clogged with the jargon of hardline feminists and their allies in the 'trans' lobby.

Ah yes, the ubiquitous sisterhood and its manic war against being. Like the poor, the feminists are always with us: forever pushing gender as a social construct. Although they failed to bully the Church into presenting Christ the High Priest as a woman, their persistent hectoring paved the way for a feminist pontiff who undermines the male priesthood by washing female feet on Holy Thursday. Buoyed by such incremental rewards, they pursue their Daliesque mission to reinvent reality with Marxist fervour.

Read the whole article here.

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